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Economy - Economics USA

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Washinton Monthly

Remember, this isn't some random member of the College Republicans after he's had a few too many; this is an elected member of the United States Congress.

News Link • Global Reported By Ken Demyen
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I’ve been groping for the precise word to characterize the zeitgeist of this (unfortunately) historic moment. I know it’s not merely “demoralized.” It’s a something far more dread-laden—a word I finally found during a visit last week to central Mexic

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President Obama is approaching his Herbert Hoover moment and the signs are not positive. Every investor understands that if his friends are losing their homes that his investments will start losing money. The other shoe that has not dropped fully

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein
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Pramod Kadambi wakes up every morning fearing the world has come to an end. He and his wife don't spend money on anything but essentials. Friends who have lost their jobs visit and cry. He sees war or revolution coming. Gold coins and guns are ne

News Link • Global Reported By Ken Demyen