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Economy - Economics USA

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The PPJ Gazette

Buy local? Ok! I will do that! Wait…..this says product of China, product of Brazil, product of Mexico, product of Egypt, Guatemala, Argentina ………where is the stuff produced in the US? How am I supposed to buy local to support my local economy when

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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What are they thinking? November 2010 didn't count? That we really don't care if we bankrupt everything? That it's all ok to keep adding to what we know is a problem and have them poo poo us like it isn't really there? Do you feel the patronizing

News Link • Global Reported By Rich Hilts
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Ellen Brown,

Bills were introduced on January 18 in both the House and Senate of the Washington State Legislature that add Washington to the growing number of states now actively moving to create public banking facilities. The bills, House Bill 1320 and Senate

News Link • Global Reported By Hugo Tellez