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Media: Internet

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Article Image is an unbiased community catalog of 63700 limited state, removed, and self-censored YouTube videos across 6224 monitored channels, of which 992 have been deleted and 1974 are being archived in case of deletion.

Article Image by Ben Swann

Deeply honored to announce today the launch of our new free speech video platform ISE Media. This site will become the home for content creators who want to speak the truth but are being purged from existing social sites such as Facebook, YouTube and

Article Image, Corbett

On July 7, 2015, James Corbett was asked to present to a course on alternative media in the International Relations department of Japan's prestigious Ritsumeikan University.

Article Image, Corbett

We've all come across online fact checkers that purport to warn us away from independent media sites under the guise of protecting us from fake news. But who is behind these fact check sites? How do they operate?

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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

Thank you to all those helping to spread the word about the Who Is Bill Gates? documentary. Whether it be making flyers, mirroring the video, providing subtitles or just spreading the word, all such help is appreciated. Leave any good ideas/examples

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Childrens Health Defense

Earlier this week, Polly Tommey and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. kicked off the new CHD Channel on Peeps TV with a lively discussion on a wide range of relevant topics in the health freedom movement.

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