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National Geographic News

Neanderthals made it all the way to Siberia, some 1,200 miles (2,000 kilometers) farther east than previously thought, new DNA evidence suggests. Scientists have long known ..........

News Link • Global Reported By Geoffrey Hayes
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Independent(Robert Fisk)

2,000-year old Sumerian cities torn apart and plundered by robbers. The very walls of the mighty Ur of the Chaldees cracking under the strain of massive troop movements, the privatisation of looting as landlords buy up the remaining sites

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Archaeologists digging in northern Israel have discovered evidence of a 3,000-year-old beekeeping industry, including remnants of ancient honeycombs, beeswax and what they believe are the oldest intact beehives ever found.

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Why did humans evolve to walk upright? Perhaps because it's just plain easier. Make that "energetically less costly," in science-speak, and you have the conclusion of researchers who are proposing a likely reason for our modern gait.

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Archelogists in Sarpsborg have found one thousand year old skeletal remaines that appear to be Incan. The skeletal remains were found during conservations work at St. Nicolas church in Sarpsborg a city 45 miles southeast of Oslo

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Google is expanding its empire into universities with entire campus e-mail networks switching over to using Google's e-mail service. This will give the internet company a "relationship for life" with students - who can carry on using t

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Scientists who spent a year photographing orangutans in the rain forest say the trait probably evolved in ancient apes navigating the treetops long before ancestors of humans climbed to the ground. But it's more in tune with fossil evidence,

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Archaeologists in Greece have discovered a rare 2,700-year-old piece of fabric inside a copper urn from a burial they speculated imitated the elaborate cremation of soldiers described in Homer's "Iliad." The yellowed, brittle materia

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An Israeli archaeologist has found the tomb of King Herod, the legendary builder of ancient Jerusalem and the Holy Land, Hebrew University said. The tomb is at a site called Herodium. Herod built a palace on the hill, and researchers discovered his b

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The University of Granada study of Gorham's cave on Gibraltar shows the Neanderthal extinction could have been determined by environmental and climate changes, and not by competitiveness with modern humans.

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Savannah chimpanzees, which can make weapons to hunt other primates for meat, can also seek refuge in caves, much like our earliest human ancestors. New findings suggest the chimps apparently shelter themselves in caves to hide from the extreme Af

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The new analysis of the rhesus monkey genome reveals that humans and the macaques share about 93% of their DNA. By comparison, humans and chimpanzees share about 98 to 99% of their DNA. Illuminate what makes humans different from other apes in ways t

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BBC News

The remains of one of the earliest modern humans to inhabit eastern Asia have been unearthed in a cave in China. The find could shed light on how our ancestors colonized the East, a movement that is only poorly understood by anthropologists.

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It's a rare chance to smell the scent of ancient history - typically a mix of natural spices and olive oil - thanks to an exhibit in Rome featuring fragrances from the world's oldest known perfume factory.

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But a new exhibit called "The Ancient Americas" shows that the Western Hemisphere was home to hundreds of diverse societies established long before European explorers arrived in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.

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der Spiegel

A 7,000-year-old dwelling mound has been found in Germany, causing a stir among archaeologists. It is the first find of its kind in Western Europe. By building and rebuilding on the rubble of their own architectural remains, sedentary humans managed

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A mud brick tomb dating back more than 4,000 years has been discovered near Egypt's most ancient pyramid. The tomb belonged to Ka-Hay, who kept divine records, and his wife. Found 5 wooden statues depicting the tomb's owner and his wife in a

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