They have been making war on us for our entire lives. They have used our institutions to enslave us and our children; they are ruthless in their quest for profit. The time has come to fight back by walking away from their world into a future that i
The Declaration of Independence didn't merely proclaim the independence of our thirteen colonies from England and her King nor did it merely proclaim America's freedom in terms of dissolving the "political bands" to that monarchy.
This is a warning about a violent levée en masse . This is not to say that is not, or never an option, but a warning to think before we leap. We have an insidious enemy who is always thinking a step or two ahead.
Bush thought he could just get Congress to squeeze in a pardon, layered way down in the verbage of a bill. But it won't wash. He and countless others who violated their oaths, profited from the ongoing rape of America will be judged. Nuremberg w
The Bill of Rights sputtered and died. Congress has failed to do its simple duty. What are a people to do? Change their minds about government and elect a candidate who is committed to the Constitution, Ron Paul.
Peace is not the absence of war. Peace is a dynamic, vital condition where people reject the use of deceit, coercion or violence to achieve their ends. Work for peace and pledge to live it and help others on the path.
Today the police state gallops closer by the moment as Americans worry about how to keep their mortgages paid and watch the horizon of fear creep ever closer to home. It is time to step off the grids to freedom.
On July 4th libertarians celebrate the rejection of empire. Politicians more likely see it as the US government’s birthday. If they’re right, we should think it a tragic commemoration indeed.
In his acceptance speech for the presidential nomination at the 1964 Republican National Convention, Barry Goldwater said, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” The founders went a
On the anniversary of our declaring our own independence from the British, it is certainly appropriate that we reflect on the nature and spirit of independent nationhood. While our founding fathers were individual men in a historically unique situati
This 4th, read the Declaration aloud. The 4th is the Anniversary of an event that laid out for those living and for posterity the principles and reasons for the steps being taken. America has a mission statement. It is time to take it seriously. A
"We the people humbly ask this court to admit that we are the masters and you are the servants." This request cannot be mistaken for supplication, for, in the United States of America, only one peaceful response remains to a people who clai
You no longer need to be afraid of the court system or such scary things as the IRS. David Myrland discovered that the courts were corrupt; he got to work on a set of user friendly tools you can use to fix your own problem. Join us for a short sess
People across America are ignoring the chasms of distrust drawn by partisan politics ; many are doing what was once unthinkable to them. Life long Democrats are registering Republican, not just Republican but Ron Paul Republican. The Republican Par
A father confronts the issue of genocide that tarnishes the vision that is America. It was fatherhood that caused him to question our present trajectory as Americans. As Father's Day approaches he searches for answers. For those who love Ameri
Bush and his TheoCon and NeoCon supporters have rewritten the role book and American history. But we can fight back. Join us Friday to hear Chris Dadda, author of Liars for Jesus as she debunks the 'history' now being taught to your childre
The winds of secession are blowing in the Green Mountain State. Vermont was once an independent republic, and it can be once again. We think the time to make that happen is now. Over the past 50 years, the US government has grown to big,
A rare, 184-year-old copy of the Declaration of Independence found by a bargain hunter at a Nashville thrift shop is being valued by experts at about 100,000 time the $2.48 purchase price.
In 1820, William J. Stone, a premier printer, was commissioned by John Quincy Adams and an act of Congress to create exact copies of the Declaration of Independence. The commission was to make 200 copies on vellum to be distributed, two copies each t
Today more than 50% of Americans, native born and naturalized, depend on the good will of legislators for the partial recognition of the inherent rights that should have been guaranteed to them when the Constitution was ratified. It is time to make
August 14, 1765 marked the founding of a revolutionary secret society made up of individuals whose actions would be echoes in the quote by Margaret Mead, "A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing
After throwing off their government they enjoyed 13 years without a replacement. Surviving somehow. When a group of people conspired to chain those free to a new strong centralized government ... and succeeded beyond their wildest dreams of control
Two hundred thirty years ago yesterday, fifty-six individuals signed a document pledging their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to establish individual liberty on planet earth. In the document these courageous individuals stated the philosophy upon
July 4th is upon us. Oh say, can you see our national sovereignty being threatened as President Bush collaborates with Mexico and Canada to form a North American Union modeled on the socialist European Union?
The Freedom Movement and America as a whole is trapped in the unacknowledged mistakes of the past. These mistakes are destroying our potential to fight for our very existence, both as a Nation and as individuals. It is time to take a deep breath,
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themse