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Murray N. Rothbard via

The White House and its leadership assured them that this breach in principle would be their last: that it was necessary for one last increase in the debt limit to give President Reagan a chance to bring about a balanced budget and to begin to reduce

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Karen De Coster for

Buffett writes, "Buy American. I Am." He goes on to say that Americans should not panic and flee equities, but instead, they should buy them. That's right – Warren Buffett wants people to buy equity stakes in American companies.

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Within just a few weeks of the bailout passing, our government is blacking out the parts of public contracts that explain how much taxpayer cash private contractors are going to be paid. Perhaps this is what Paulson meant when he promised transparenc

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Bill Bonner for

In the last 100 years there have only been two fires similar to that of today. The first inferno was in 1929, centered in New York. The second was in 1989, when Tokyo went up in flames. And in both cases, they not only failed to save the economy, the

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Phoenix won’t be expanding its red-light camera photo-enforcement program... A summer pilot speed program, which focused on higher speeds on arterial streets outside of school zones, and right turns on red lights, had mixed results.

News Link • Global Reported By Camera FRAUD
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Below, we’ve compiled the list of those who changed their votes last week. Collectively, they allowed the bailout bill to pass & become law. We’ve also listed their opponents in the upcoming election, who may gain or lose ground based on the incumben

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