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A recent U.S. military policy decision now explicitly states that observations by hush-hush government spacecraft of incoming bolides and fireballs are classified secret and are not to be released, has learned.

The satellites' main objectives include detecting nuclear bomb tests, and their characterizations of asteroids and lesser meteoroids as they crash through the atmosphere has been a byproduct data bonanza for scientists.

The upshot: Space rocks that ex


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Pentagon employees have received millions of dollars in free travel and lodging from foreign countries, trade groups and companies with an interest in shaping policies or doing business with the US military.
Defense officials say the arrangement is legal, saves taxpayers money and is carefully monitored to ensure there are no conflicts of interest. But government watchdogs say it allows donors to subtly exert influence for a small investment compared with the potential gain.

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If China buys Hummer, does this mean we have to ask them if we can use them in a war? Will they allow enough production if we need more? It would seem to me that selling assests that will be needed for our military is wrong! What

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The mother of football star Pat Tillman, who was killed by friendly fire in 2004 but whose fratricide was deliberately kept from the public and his family, says a general’s testimony to Congress is yet another lie by a military officer about her son’s death. Testifying in his confirmation hearing as Obama’s new commander for Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal said he “didn’t see any activity by anyone to deceive” the public about the circumstances of Tillman’s death. The death was first reported as a result of enemy fire; Tillman was held up as a hero and quickly received the Silver Star. McChrystal personally helped expedite Tillman’s Silver Star award, even though he later acknowledged he had “suspicions” that the ex-NFL star had been killed by his own men. CNN reports that Tillman’s mother says McChrystal knew at the memorial service that her son died from friendly fire.

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A man with "political and religious motives" killed a soldier just out of basic training and wounded another in a targeted attack on a military recruiting center, police said. The shootings were not believed to be part of a broader scheme.

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SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) – A US weapons lab on Friday pulled back the curtain on a super laser with the power to burn as hot as a star. The National Ignition Facility's main purpose is to serve as a tool for gauging the reliability and safety of the US nuclear weapons arsenal but scientists say it could deliver breakthroughs in safe fusion power. "We have invented the world's largest laser system," actor-turned-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said during a dedication ceremony attended by thousands including state and national officials. "We can create the stars right here on earth. And I can see already my friends in Hollywood being very upset that their stuff that they show on the big screen is obsolete. We have the real stuff right here." NIF is touted as the world's highest-energy laser system. It is located inside the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory about an hour's drive from San Francisco. Equipment connected to a house-sized sph

Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

Watching retired Gen. Colin Powell refer to the parable of the Good Samaritan during Sunday’s Memorial Day ceremonies on the Mall in Washington, it struck me that Powell was giving hypocrisy a bad name.

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NY Times

The Pentagon plans to create a new military command for cyberspace stepping up preparations by the armed forces to conduct both offensive and defensive computer warfare. The military command would complement a civilian effort to be announced

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Round four of mankind’s epic battle against the walking, talking, killer machines starts tonight with the opening of Terminator Salvation. But humanoid robots aren’t confined to the movies.

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USA Today

[on the cheap] President Obama plans deep new cuts in the U.S. nuclear arsenal at a time when the government faces a 15-year backlog of warheads already waiting to be dismantled and a need for billions of dollars in new facilities to store and dispos