The Greek Example
• online.wsj.comAnother bailout to save the banks only delays the inevitable default.
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Another bailout to save the banks only delays the inevitable default.
Pandora shares make spectacular plunge below IPO ... It didn't take long before Pandora went from music to investors' ears to the stock market's version of fingernails on a blackboard.
The tumult in the European monetary zone is spreading concern among investors of a broader crisis in financial markets from Ireland to Spain. The worry is that the worst case, a Greek debt default, would lead to damaging losses for European banks and
What we are now witnessing is the slow motion unraveling of America. Our economy is dying, the American people have lost faith in the government and in almost all of our other major institutions, and our society is collapsing.
Matthew Lynn suggests there will be numerous investment opportunities if the euro crumbles because of the Greek (and PIGS) budgetary crisis.
World stocks hit a three-month low on Thursday, the euro slumped to a one-month trough and top-rated government bonds rose as concerns intensified the lack of a deal on Greek debt might trigger disorderly market moves. Euro zone officials are stru
For the last few days, we’ve been having an important discussion about the magnitude of the economic challenges in the west; if you didn’t read yesterday’s letter, I really encourage you to do so before proceeding...
We've been waiting for something like this (see above). Critics are starting to engage with China in earnest and this is just one more sign of it.
Inflation hits 34-month high at 5.5 per cent, powered by rising food prices and commodities.
This is a master page with links to articles, videos, pictures and coverage of the secretive Bilderberg meeting, taking place over the 8-13th June 2011 in St Moritz, Switzerland.
Greece had its credit rating cut three levels by Standard & Poor’s, which branded the nation with the world’s lowest debt grade and said a restructuring looks “increasingly likely.”
When adding in all of the money owed to cover future liabilities in entitlement programs the US is actually in worse financial shape than Greece and other debt-laden European countries, Pimco's Bill Gross told CNBC Monday.
A secretive cabal of some of the world’s most influential people, the Bilderberg group, will be meeting June 9 to the 12th in St. Moritz, Switzerland – but this year, more attention than usual is being afforded to the gathering in the world press.
Japan's economy shrank 0.9 percent in the first quarter but recovery is expected between July and September
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Saturday the United States wanted to expand trade with Africa by investing in the continent's people, warning against a "new colonialism" as China expands its presence.
The Austrian government is putting the mountains of Grosser Kinigat and Rosskopf, near the border with Italy, up for sale for a total of about $175,000 US. Locals from the village at the foot of the peaks, Kartitsch, are quite upset.
That Speeding Freight Train You Hear - The Decline and Fall of the Welfare State Obama can't stop it, says Pat Buchanan - The Bilderberg 2011 Attendee List - Another Gold Correction Is Coming - Astonishing Japanese Photos 3 Months After
A new ATM for a Russian bank turns money machines into truth machines, using fingerprint recognition, 3-D face scans and voice analysis to determine whether customers are worthy of applying for credit cards.
Ernest Hancock: Today's News on FreedomsPhoenix.com
Whats behind the souring of U.S. and China relations? When Barack Obama became U.S. President, the conventional wisdom was that relations would improve. The high point came when Obama made his first visit to China in November of 2009 when both sides
Another dose of anguish about the global economic recovery sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average below 12000, pointing to a sixth straight weekly decline that would be blue chips' longest slump since 2002.
While US and China are holding talks in Washington DC the question arises - who has the upper hand in this negotiation? Co-founder of the Quantum Fund Jim Rogers says he would always like to be a creditor, not a debtor.
The world is seemingly under stress from almost all sides. Lets take a look at a couple of the cross currents in the world, some of which no one is talking about yet.
Investing $40 billion annually in the forest sector is needed for the world to transition into a low carbon, resource-efficient green economy, according to a UN report released here Sunday.
Pimco cut its holdings of Japanese and U.S. government debt in the past six months due to their diminishing investment appeal, although Japan's political turmoil is unlikely to trigger a spike in yields in the near term, the top bond fund's head of J
Global economic depression
OPEC talks broke down in acrimony on Wednesday without an agreement to raise output after Saudi Arabia failed to convince the oil cartel to lift production.
While the European Union is dragging its legs regarding a sustainable solution for Greece, the Greeks are on the move, withdrawing large sums of money from the banks (before they won’t be able to), taking to the streets and begin talking about a revo
Merkel's plan to exchange nuclear reactors for offshore wind farms and a stronger grid could cost more than expected.
Several years ago, I was briefly involved in a deal here in Panama in which the local owner of several fast food restaurants was looking to sell.