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Economy - International

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China's economy is being held hostage. The so-called zombie companies the Chinese government is supposed to be reforming have hijacked the government's economic policy, and the dangerous bubble forming inside the country stands to grow until this ho

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After watching the video below, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, wrote there "is nothing more corrupt than 'democratic capitalism.' Ameri

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Dow continues to mark time around the 17,500 level…up a couple of hundred points…and down a couple of hundred. Disappointing earnings has the market looking for direction from somewhere. Gold was steady; the Aussie dollar is up a tad; meanwhile,

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The self-described "magic people" who "give to the markets" are facing a mutiny this morning as Raghuram Rajan, the head of the Indian central bank, admits central banks and governments of rich countries are running out of ammunition for stim

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How prophetic that Donald Trump, who says that he "loves debt" and is "the king of debt," wants be president of a bankrupt America. Debt is an important issue, and Ron Paul goes to work on dispelling the many myths that surround it. Check out today's
