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by Gregory Cockran (American Conservative)

Al-Qaeda hasn’t managed to do anything at all in the US since 9/11. This is not because the Feds have made it impossible for foreigners to sneak into the is not because our nation have been guarded and hardened to the point of invulnerab

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A hidden crisis is under way. Many government insiders are aware of serious plans for war with Iran, but Congress and the public remain largely in the dark. The current situation is very like that of 1964, the year preceding our overt, open-ended esc

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CNet News

Iran's ISP's have started to reducing the speed of Internet access to homes and cafes based on new government imposed limits, a move critics said appeared to be part of a clampdown on the media.

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by Jorge Hirsch (AntiWar)

The 150,000 US soldiers in Iraq will be at great risk if there is a war with Iran, and Americans will support a nuclear strike on Iran once the administration creates a situation where it can argue that such action will save a large number of America

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Raw Story

The Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Peter Hoekstra(R-MI), has recently held meetings in Paris with front man working for Iranian arms dealer and Iran-Contra figure Manucher Ghorbanifar

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Daily Telegraph

The Bush administration made secret overtures to former Iran president Mohammed Khatami during his visit to the US last month in an attempt to establish a back channel via the ex-leader. As part of a strategy to isolate Ahmadinejad,

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by Frida Berrigan (AntiWar)

That Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons and that sanctions aimed at stopping them will be ineffective. Maintains that Bush policymakers mistakenly assume that the Iranian people support "regime change" and that Iran cannot be negotiated with.

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Mother Jones

And once again, Perle had an exile leader he wanted America to know about: Amir Abbas Fakhravar, "an Iranian dissident student leader who escaped first from Tehran's notorious Evin prison, then, after months in hiding, from Iran".

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Thomas Gale Moore (AntiWar)

To maintain his macho image, however, the president will also announce that the U.S. will bomb Iran's nuclear facilities if that country refuses to stop enriching uranium within a week.

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by Gordon Prather (

"While Iran's rights under the NPT have continued to be grossly and systematically violated, Iran nevertheless continued diligently to comply with all its obligations under the Treaty. …

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Asia Times

While President Mahmud Ahmadinejad is busy running a high-voltage campaign against the US and its policies, Iranians are wondering whether he will ever make good on election promises to crack down on corruption and distribute Iran's vast oil reve

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Gulf War II was, and Gulf War III will be, about "regime change." So the Cheney Cabal and their media sycophants launched an unrelenting propaganda campaign, falsely claiming that Iran, Iraq, Syria, and North Korea had illicit nuke-developm

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The neoconservative Bush administration will attack Iran with tactical nuclear weapons, because it is the only way the neocons believe they can rescue their goal of U.S. (and Israeli) hegemony in the Middle East. The U.S. has lost the war in Iraq

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Explains why the Bush administration will end up taking military action against Iran. In a way, the Bush administration's policies have created the conditions in which such an American move becomes almost inevitable.

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Having gone through the diplomatic motions with Iran, George W. Bush is shifting toward a military option that carries severe risks for American soldiers in Iraq as well as for long-term US interests around the world. Yet, despite this looming crisi

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Time magazine

On the eve of a visit to the U.S., Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks to TIME's Scott MacLeod about debating President Bush, pursuing nuclear energy and denying the Holocaust.

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World powers handed Iran a new early October deadline to halt uranium enrichment, a senior European diplomat said, as President George W. Bush warned "time is of the essence" in settling the nuclear showdown.

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President Bush’s policies in the Middle East are “moving the world toward war,” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, maintaining that Iran was a peaceful nation that merely wanted to be left alone to “stand on its [own] feet.”

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Jerusalem Post

Tactical nuclear weapons would be required to penetrate the defenses Iran has constructed around its nuclear facilities, according to Col. (res.) Shlomo Mofaz, an international consultant on terrorism and intelligence and a research fellow at the Ins

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Talking Points Memo

The first message was routine enough: A "Prepare to Deploy" order sent through naval communications channels to a submarine, an Aegis-class cruiser, two minesweepers and two mine hunters. The orders didn't actually command the ships out

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A flurry of military maneuvers in the Middle East increases speculation that conflict with Iran is no longer quite so unthinkable. Here's how the U.S. would fight such a war--and the huge price it would have to pay to win it
