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Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice maintained a firm line Sunday against efforts to soften conditions for Iran to enter talks over its disputed nuclear program, dismissing as "chatter" discussions among US allies about a new approach.

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Jerusalem Post

The Israeli Air Force has been training on long-range flights, including refueling in mid-flight, in preparation for potential strikes against Iranian nuclear targets. The training program has been taking place for some time but has only been rele

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Sydney Morning Herald(Australia)

The Australian Defence Force says up to five Iranian gunboats tried to capture Australian sailors in the Persian Gulf in DECEMBER 2004. A defence spokesman told reporters the four-hour confrontation occured after Australian navy personnel boarded

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Washington Post

The US will not release five Iranians detained in a US military raid in northern Iraq until at least October, despite entreaties from the Iraqi government and pressure from Iran, US officials said. The delay is as much due to a communications

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Washington Post

Iran is in the midst of a sweeping crackdown that both Iranians and U.S. analysts compare to a cultural revolution in its attempt to steer the oil-rich theocracy back to the rigid strictures of the 1979 revolution.

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Financial Times

The survival of Iran’s fragile pro-democracy movement is being threatened by the US administration’s continuing attempts to fund the country’s civil society, leading activists have warned. Pr

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Afghanistan's defense minister on Thursday dismissed claims by a top US State Dept official that there was "irrefutable evidence" that the Iranian government was providing arms to Taliban rebels. "Actually, throughout, we have had

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Jerusalem Post

Predicting that Iran will obtain a nuclear weapon within 3 years and claiming to have a strike plan in place, senior American military officers said they support President Bush's stance to do everything necessary to stop the Islamic Republic'

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A British company has been closed down after being caught in an apparent attempt to sell black-market weapons-grade uranium to Iran and Sudan, The Observer can reveal. Anti-terrorst officers and MI6 are now investigating a wider British-based plot

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LA Times

(Ever wonder why Iran was arresting Americans there?) Five Iranians imprisoned by US forces in Iraq since January will probably be released in the next few weeks, according to some US and Iraqi officials, a development that could help

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ABC News

[Now Bush can nuke Iran.] NATO officials say they have caught Iran red-handed, shipping heavy arms, C4 explosives and advanced roadside bombs to the Taliban for use against NATO forces, in what the officials say is a dramatic escalation of Iran's

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by Paul Craig Roberts (AntiWar)

Even the neoconservative warmongers, who deceived Americans with the promise of a "cakewalk war" that would be over in six weeks, believe that the war is lost. But they have not given up. They have a last desperate plan: Bomb Iran. Vice Pre

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Rebels killed in clashes with Iranian forces this week had recently infiltrated border areas of the Islamic Republic carrying U.S.-made arms, said an Iranian commander. "The weapons ... included M16 weapons which are being provided through chann

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The U.S. is not preparing for war against Iran and Vice President Dick Cheney supports that policy, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says, taking a swipe at a U.N. official who says he's worried about "crazies" who want to star

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by Patrick J. Buchanan (AntiWar)

Has Congress given George Bush a green light to attack Iran? For he is surely behaving as though it is his call alone. And evidence is mounting that we are on a collision course for war:

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US intelligence has identified the principal unit behind Tehran's effort to supply Shia insurgent cells in Iraq. It's a supersecret group called Dept. 9000, which is part of the elite Quds Force of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Cor

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Iranian Ambassador speaks after his 4 hours of talks with the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq saying he told the Americans that Tehran was ready to train and equip the Iraqi army and police to create "a new military and security structure" and the