In recent years, the Navy’s Fire Scout robotic helicopters have racked up quite a resume: Drug busts off the coast of Latin America, counter-piracy missions off the shores of Africa and even covert surveillance in the skies above Afghanistan.
Over at BBC, mathematician Marcus du Sautoy has examined what he’s calling the world’s first anthropomimetic robot--a robot that mimics in extremely high anatomical detail the movements and construction of the human body.
Would-be sushi moguls take note: Suzumo has a line of sushi robots that might fulfill your 24-7 maki-making fantasies. The Japanese company is displaying its machines at the World Food and Beverage Great Expo 2012 in Tokyo this week.
Wednesday morning, there was a violent sell-off in stocks that seemed to start exactly at 10:00 AM. This had some New York Stock Exchange floor traders scratching their heads.
New plastic scaffolds attached to prosthetic devices could enable nerves to feel and control artificial limbs, using electrical signals to bring back real sensations.
• Spencer Ackerman and Noah Shachtman via
The Navy is hoping to one day run a huge chunk of its fleet on biofuels. So the Navy’s advanced researchers are turning to a tiny robotic helicopter to help them figure out which crop they might be able to convert into their fuel of the future.
You have to hand it to the Japanese; Last March’s Tohoku earthquake and associated tsunami wasn’t the first natural (or unnatural, for that matter) disaster to befall the island nation, but as just as before the country isn’t simply rebuilding.
For animals and animal-inspired machines, launching into flight takes lots of energy. Some animals have evolved to achieve air not by accelerating and lifting off, but by jumping and then using their wings or flaps of skin to glide
Japanese firm Kawada Industries is on the leading edge of a growing industry that threatens to become a major disruptive force in the coming years: automated labor.
Pakistan is still blockading NATO war supplies passing through the port of Karachi in response to last month’s killing of 24 Pakistani soldiers by an alliance air strike.
As Moore predicted, computers continue to become exponentially faster, while their components have become much cheaper. William Nordhaus, an economist at Yale University, examined 100s of devices—from the first computer to the Apple II to modern PCs—
At a “micro-aviary” at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, researchers are testing models based on critters as small as hummingbirds and dragonflies. Using motion capture sensors, they’re are able to track vehicles’ movements within a tenth of
Toyota unveiled its ambitions for high-tech health care Tuesday, displaying experimental robots that the auto giant says can lift disabled patients from their hospital beds or help them walk.
DARPA's robotic arm is legendary. It's the result of years of work and a whopping $100 million, but it just might be worth it: This arm mimics the natural motion of the arm, elbow, wrist, and hand with 27 different movements
At AUVSI’s (Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International) massive robot conference in D.C. this week there is no shortage of robots designed to seek out--and in some cases destroy--human targets.
Willow Garage’s PR2 has provided a unique, open source robotics platform to all kinds of labs and institutions that otherwise wouldn’t have access to a complex robotics system--but not to that many.
The factory bots will reduce labor costs and improve efficiencies, the company’s founder, Terry Gou, told the Xinhua news agency. And they will be unable to take their own lives.
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