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Vin Suprynowicz's Columns Archive

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In the "Good News" department, the Washington Times reported in September "More than 57,000 gun-friendly bars, eateries crop up across America."

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My fellow booksellers in these parts were recently advised to research and stock books created under the auspices of the FDR-era "Federal Writers' Project," a tax-and-spend-and-elect outfit created in 1935 as part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Works Pro

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Among scores of other promises, some more and some less likely than walking on water, Barack Obama devoted a paragraph in his recent State of the Union address to the age-old Democratic promise of more gun control — vowing he’ll proceed even without

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The Brietbart Web site reported Dec. 5 that Barry Greenfield, an elected Selectman in Swampscott, Mass., “is pushing a measure to give police the authority to conduct home searches to check proper storage of firearms.”

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In the fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty’s father fails to follow the common-sense course — sending soldiers to arrest the evil fairy, warning her that if any harm comes to his daughter through that malevolent curse concerning sewing needles, said fairy wo

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Envisioning cars that can go “coast to coast without using a drop of oil,” President Barack Obama on March 15 urged Congress to authorize another $2 billion over the next decade to expand research into weaning automobiles off gasoline.

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During the Christmas season, 1994, the federal Drug Enforcement Administration put Las Vegas medical doctor Dietrich Stoermer, who had treated our troops in Vietnam, on trial here for writing “too many” painkiller prescriptions.

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Another Fearless Drug Warrior is writing my boss at the daily Review-Journal, trying to get me fired. One “Scott Miller” wrote in on March 12:

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Delegates of both parties preparing to cave on amnesty for another 10 to 14 million illegal aliens might want to take a gander at a new Pulse Opinion Research survey of 1,000 likely voters nationwide, available at

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In his State of the Union speech Tuesday, President Barack Obama made a few favorable references to his erstwhile opponent, Mitt Romney, the guy who four months ago was such a heartless cad that he “didn’t even care” that some woman got sick and died

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Vin’s note – I received this from Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeon and author.

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“I support the Second Amendment and the right of individuals to bear arms for recreation, hunting or self-defense,” Mr. Horsford told the Stephens Press Washington Bureau, last week.

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Las Vegas Review Journal/Vin Surpynowicz

...the first years of the 19th century, Robert Fulton developed the first commercially successful steamship -- not because government dictated it should happen, but because of clever men trying to invent things that could make them money by solving e

Article Image The Libertarian

Vin Suprynowicz

What became of the Maya? The Mayan people developed an agricultural system productive enough to support populations in the hundreds of thousands. For better or worse, this allowed them to develop specialization. Their kings and priests started