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Men trying to be our God

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Eric Peters Autos

This won't end until enough of us wake up to the reality that AGWs are not "police," much less peace-keepers. They are the predatory praetorians of the police state, who serve themselves - and their friends.

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Eric Peters Autos

As part of the now-admitted-to plan to force people out of their cars, the cabal behind the puppets who pretend to run the countries of the Western world have double-plus'd the cost of gasoline while at the same time decreasing the purchasing power

Article Image - James Howard Kunstler

In keeping with the principles of mass formation psychosis, the maliciously insane people in charge of national affairs will expect you to swallow ever-greater absurdities to maintain their control (and protect themselves).

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Caitlin Johnstone Substack

Former CIA director and secretary of state Mike Pompeo gave a speech at the Hudson Institute last week that's probably worth taking a look at just because of how much it reveals about the nature of the US empire and the corrupt institutions which inf

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"sustainable agriculture," no matter how reverently it's name is intoned, actually means "lower crop yields and fewer animals per acre." All the rest is misdirection… "Boob bait for the Bubbas," as an old senator used to say.

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Young Global Leaders Club

This is an anonymous effort to create awareness of the global networking group whom in some instances collude and cross pollinate their business and corporate careers with the WEF's powerful network of global elites.

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Ron Paul Institute - Jeffrey Tucker

The last two years have given us a chilling lesson in who really runs the country. It's executive-level agencies that are utterly unresponsive to anything or anyone, except perhaps the private-sector forces of power that have revolving doors back a

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Armstrong Economics

Bill Gates is not a doctor. He is not even a specialist in disease or history. He has been influenced by his father, and the two of them have been influenced by Thomas Malthus who advocated promoting the plague to reduce the population

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Robert W Malone MD, MS - Substack

These WEF graduates have their primary alliances with a foreign entity, that being the WEF. They should register as foreign agents in my opinion. Are these the ones that "we the people" really want running OUR country?

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Activist Post - Julian Rose

Unless one can grasp the nature and motivation of those who attack one, one cannot come up with a strategy to overcome them. And right now we have a vital need to come up with such a strategy in order to throw a spanner in the works of a political sy

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Robert W Malone MD, MS - Substack

The unresolved conflict between Jefferson and Hamilton enables WEF hegemony.

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Activist Post - Keean Bexte

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has doled out over $319 million in grants, awards, and charity to media organizations, including $38 million to so-called "investigative journalism" centres.

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General Discharge -

United States Army Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Soldiers disseminate critical information to allies and adversaries in combat situations. PSYOP can also be interchangeable referred to as MISO, which stands for Military Information Support Operati