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Farm Wars

Do you want to make a real difference in the fight against GMO alfalfa? Then please download this poster and share it. It's time to take this to the streets.

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Becky Chandler

Who knows when Americans will say enough is enough....But each time the little tyrants take away a bit of our freedom the tipping point is a little closer....

News Link • Global Reported By Becky Chandler
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When competitors shut down payments to WikiLeaks after the controversial website released a slew of sensitive U.S. diplomatic cables, Sharif Alexandre refused to join the boycott. The Egyptian-born entrepreneur and founder of Xipwire - a Philadelp

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Thousands of state workers and impoverished Egyptians launched strikes and protests around the country over their economic woes as anti-government activists sought to expand their campaign to oust President Mubarak despite warnings from the vice pres

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Farm Wars

Phil Geertson is a conventional alfalfa seed grower who has been involved in efforts to stop GE (genetically engineered) alfalfa since 2003. Geertson said that deregulated GE alfalfa will contaminate all alfalfa plants!

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David McElroy

Uncle Sam claims to be broke, but some, like Walter Burien, have exposed vast hidden assets to be taken to repay we the people.

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Prof. William A. Cook

The Egyptian peoples’ revolution against their government forces to the fore the unfortunate reality that America’s friendship is an illusion created for its own benefit, a strategy, if you will, that creates a mirage of trust, compassion, and good w

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C4SS / Thomas L. Knapp

Any lasting coalition between secularist and Islamist statists seems unlikely. Eventually they’ll duke it out. But they’re pulling together for the moment to combat the specter of anarchy.

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It’s been a year since the passing of Howard Zinn. The prolific writer and historian helped mold the minds of generations of activists. His seminal work, “A People’s History of the United States,” took the study of American history out of the iron gr

Article Image / Justin Raimondo

Hosni Mubarak’s American fan club is a coalition of neocons like John Bolton, nutballs, like Pamela Geller, and the Israel-appeasers who inhabit the security and diplomatic establishment and don’t dare sneeze without Tel Aviv’s permission.

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Bolivians chewed coca leaves in demonstrations around the country Wednesday to push for a change in a 1961 UN convention to remove a ban on a practice that has been part of indigenous cultures here for millennia. Protesters gathered outside the US

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The Rob McNealy Program

Rob McNealy interviews Texas based Libertarian activist John Jay Myers on the future of liberty and the Libertarian Party in the United States

News Link • Global Reported By Rob Mcnealy
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Allan Greenblatt

"That's what a Guantanamo inmate looks like," yells Thomas Mario Costanzo to a woman passing by. Costanzo was there to protest the U.S. prison camp in Cuba. Standing a few feet from the impromptu memorial to the shooting victims, Costanzo pointed to

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Tunisia observes 3 days of national mourning from Friday for the dozens of people killed during protests before and after the ouster of former president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, state television said. Schools and universities, closed since last week,
