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General Opinion

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Joyless social justice freaks are so intent on ruining everything, they've declared war on a fun meme. In their anodyne, drab world EVERYTHING that might offend someone has to be banned. If we let them win, comedy and satire is dead.

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I don't often comment on specific world leaders or isolated political events, choosing instead to look at the big picture as much as possible and what it may mean to the reader's future.

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Good riddance to Steve Bannon. The last thing America needed was a conservative/populist/statist alternative to the Welfare State/Warfare State/Bailout State status quo. Yet what Bannonism boiled down to was essentially acquiescence to the latter--e

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Roman Christianity moved the day to commemorate the birth of Jesus to the winter solstice. It thus replaced a holiday of older religions that celebrated the end of the dark times and the coming of more light. The deeper meaning stayed. Hope for new b

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It appears increasingly likely the Republican Congress will pass tax reform this week. As we analyze the plan, it's important to remember – incentives matter.

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There are some people who believe bitcoin was created by government. They think big brother made it to subjugate and subdue everyone. They believe it's a one-world digital currency that benefits government rather than the people.

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Crypto Power Players - YouTube.Com

The Bitcoin Frenzy Continues! Experts are predicting that Bitcoin will hit $28,000 by end of 2018

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"Jesus is too much for us. The church's later treatment of the gospels is one long effort to rescue Jesus from 'extremism.'"--author Gary Wills, What Jesus Meant

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The case against Iraqing Iran includes the following points: Threatening war is a violation of the U.N. Charter. Waging war is a violation of the U.N. Charter and of the Kellogg-Briand Pact. Waging war without Congress is a violation of the U.S.

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For the first hundred years of American history, the United States was founded on the concept of a limited-government republic, one whose government did not intervene in the affairs of other nations, specifically in Europe and Asia. America's non-i

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For the second time in two months, someone who has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State has plotted to kill innocents in New York City and has executed his plot.
