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General Opinion

Article Image by Michael Snyd

The one that you serve the most is the one that you really worship. In America today, we don't actually get down on our knees and pray to our stock market portfolios and the money in our bank accounts, but has our wealth become more important to u

Article Image

I have written about this subject several times before, starting 'way back in the Dolly Dumbass days of the Million Moron March.

Article Image by Jeff Thomas

A little-recognised fact about the Russian revolution is that it was financed by US financial and industry leaders, through operatives in the US State Department.

Article Image by Daisy Luther

In Northern regions of an unstable country, a battle broke out yesterday in the streets of a small city. Meanwhile, in the Southeastern corridor, protesters continue to clash over control of a monument, and in the North East, rebels have been battlin

Article Image by Paul Craig Rob

New York City is in Serious trouble. Indeed, all diverse US cities are in trouble, especially those ruled by Democrats. The combination of coronavirus and unchecked rioting and looting have undermined their economies.

Article Image by Jacob G. Hornberger

In the midst of the turmoil in which our country is enveloped, I am reminded of the immortal words of Thomas Paine:

Article Image by L. Neil Smith

If it seems like I'm angry, it's only because I am. Unless you've been living under the same rotting log inhabited by the slimy, multilegged leadership of the Democrat Party,

Article Image by Tyler Durden

At this site, I've never shied away from unpopular truths--in fact, I think that shining light upon them is vital to logical thought and solid investment returns. With that out of the way, I'm going to dive into the klusterfukety global governme

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