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Justice and Judges

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Properties were seized and a neighborhood razed in the name of ‘economic development’ that never came

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Simple Justice

Q. How long does a 48-hour hold last in drug court? A. 154 Days. At some point in every system, there is a dependency on human beings. Whenever a system depends on human beings, there is the potential for failure. Destiny Hoffman found that o

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Simple Justice

One of the great joys of sitting on an appellate bench is that one is never compelled to accept as fact things that were hashed out at enormous length and effort before the trial court. As Appellate Squawk likes to point out, facts are for kids.

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Simple Justice

The New York Court of Appeals heard oral argument in the cases of Adrian Thomas and Paul Aveni, addressing the issue of police lying and manipulating an interrogation to obtain a confession.

Article Image, By David Kravets

A federal appeals court today nullified key provisions of the FCC’s net neutrality rules, opening the door to a curated approach to internet delivery that allows broadband providers to block content or applications as they see fit.

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Simple Justice

What I see is the machinations of the government to create plausible deniability, documents sufficient to assure that a witness is never allowed to board a plane but inadequate to be admitted into evidence. What I see is an angry judge who has

Article Image, VietVet4Liberty

Very important court ruling. Corporate interests seeking to destroy the free internet—again. They want to shape what we view and what sites we visit. More social engineering and more profits.
