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Economics: Agorism

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Edge.App this time, we have been asked to take down our content and put on hold the availability of the card program while we work diligently with our card program manager and card issuer to resolve these unanticipated challenges as quickly as we can.

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Organic Prepper - Aden Tate

Could bartering extra radio gear be the perfect form of currency to get your family what they need post-collapse? What are people going to do when they have no access to loved ones and information. Here's why we think we might be onto something.

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Pirate Chain

Pirate Chain (ARRR) is a 100% private send cryptocurrency. It uses a privacy protocol that cannot be compromised by other users activity on the network. Most privacy coins are riddled with holes created by optional privacy. Pirate Chain uses zk-SNARK

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Mike Swatek

A search began in 2019 for agorist websites where my business could be listed. That would help with transitioning away from the banking system which is a monstrous parasite upon society. A couple of sites were found, but neither was able to accept

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We frequently get asked by our customers what they should buy in case the dollar should crash or would no longer be welcome in the marketplace. Given recent monetary policy, a US Dollar crash no longer seems as unlikely a scenario as it once was.

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Black Market Fridays

Let's all withdraw our financial support from the corporations who feed the banksters and politicians. Buy from the wide selection of sellers accepting non-bank payments here. Support the counter-economy, help it grow, starve the beast and then keep

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Organic Prepper - by Fabian Ommar

Preppers love to talk about trade and barter, but the more likely case, especially in a slow-burning economic disaster like what we're seeing across America now, a black market economy is far more likely - and is in fact already here.

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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

You've heard of Cash Fridays. How about Black Market Fridays? On this edition of #SolutionsWatch, James introduces the idea for setting aside a day every week (or even more) to explore the free market, support agorist enterprises, avoid using cards

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Organic Prepper - J G Martinez

What would a society without money look like? A lot of folks are experiencing just that on the heels of an economic collapse...and they're coming up with many creative solutions. What skills or assets would you have in such a situation?

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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

While you were distracted by the scamdemic, the banksters have been working on the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world. It's called the Going Direct Reset, and it's going to fundamentally transform the monetary system as we know