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Self-Help: Rational Living

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Busy, busy, busy. It's easy to get overwhelmed and it's easy to make excuses for why we aren't getting anything done. Our jobs demand a lot is us, there's traffic to fight, and the distractions of TV and Facebook are just a click away.

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I don't use phones very often; most days I talk on the phone no more than once or twice, and often not at all. Phone calls interrupt me, and interruptions waste a lot of my time… I have to figure out where I was before the call, reassemble the pi

Article Image by Brett and Kate McKay

Scroll through some young guy's Tumblr or Instagram feed and you're bound to find a picture of a menacing-looking wolf with blood around its chops or a lone wolf howling at the moon.

Article Image by Jeremy Anderberg

Rum is, without a doubt, the most underappreciated spirit. When one thinks of manly, sophisticated, classic drinks, rum is rarely on the list.