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Self-Help: Rational Living

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Natures Always Right -

My well broke the day before thanksgiving and I did a ton of research to try and fix it myself but in the end needed the professionals. I had a completely new system put it as mine was 20 years old and damaged. Learn some well basics and what it's li

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Eric Peters Autos

It is time for a parting of the ways. Before it comes to blows...The people of Northern Virginia have the right to govern themselves - and so do the people of the rest of the state

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Eric Peters Autos

This is a refreshing sign that dissent - which is the essential attribute of freedom - still has some defenders and that not everyone has been driven over the cliff of mass hysteria into mindless conformity by the constant ululation of every imag

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The Invisible Man -

We all have a bias, whether Left-leaning or Right-leaning. It's essential that we all make the effort to lean Center - the only place where common ground can be established. Russell and Jordan have a conversation that is both expansive and stimulatin

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Critical thinking is an essential human skill, but it is little-taught. Once upon a time critical thinking courses were held to be essential, but they have since vanished from schoolrooms, either rolled into optional Logic courses (which are deathly

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Organic Prepper - Daisy Luther

In the world of survivalism, there's a lot of crossover with things like liberty and patriotism. But make no mistake, survival itself is about one thing: surviving the event at hand.

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Washington Times

Former Team Six member Robert J. O'Neill wrote Thursday on Twitter that he had been banned for posting a since-deleted photo Wednesday of himself on a Delta flight without a "dumb ass" mask, saying he wasn't wearing one because "I'm not a
