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Surviving the Collapse

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Natural News - Darnel Fernandez

If you've dabbled in the art of prepping and browsed articles on the subject, then you've probably come across the term EMP, or electromagnetic pulse. And while the concept and mechanics behind an electromagnetic pulse attack might seem like some

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The Organic Prepper by Daisy Luther

A term coined in 1985 by an unnamed staffer of the Reagan administration was "Starve the Beast". This referred to a fiscally conservative political strategy to cut government spending by paying less in taxes.

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By Paul Craig Roberts

Readers aware that I, and Dmitry Orlov, have been chronicling America's rapid decline ask me, "where did it all begin?" To answer that question would require a massive history such as Jacques Bazun's . All I can do for you is to show you

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It's no secret that Bitcoin has enemies. There are those who'd like to kill it outright and there are those who'd like to subvert it. And, of course, Bitcoin has its fair share of the usual human problems.

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After the past few years we've seen in the United States, it seems to me that the possibility of having to evacuate has become more and more likely.

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Due to the actual collapse of the Venezuelan grid, I have put together this article, entirely from the survivalist/prepper point of view. I will discuss different types of batteries you can use if the grid goes down, including my favorite, iron-nicke

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At some point or another, hard times will hit nearly everyone. Whether it's a natural disaster, divorce, interruption of income, illness, war, the loss of a loved one, or some other traumatic event, no one gets through this life unscathed. But bein