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Social Networking/Social Media

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Article Image, NickelthroweR

I was taking a break from cutting firewood and I sat down at my computer to see if anyone had responded to my post over at r/antiwork.

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Well folks, they finally caught up to us. Google has been threatening for months to remove our app from their store because we refuse to conform to their idea of "community standards".

Article Image, by Brian Wang

Facebook lost users for the first time ever as there were 500,000 fewer active users in Q4 of 2021. Young people have been leaving Facebook for a long time and TikTok's popularity is sucking away attention from Facebook.

Article Image, Joanna Miller

Longtime readers know that this website was defunded in June 2021. While this was incredibly stressful for the team of people that rely on The Organic Prepper as a source of income, in a perverse way, it's a badge of honor.

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Stop me if you've heard this one before: A popular internet personality, beloved by millions for his irreverent, anti-establishment commentary, becomes the subject of a heated backlash after critics accuse him of promoting dangerous misinformati