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Corbett Report

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James takes a moment to ponder two problems inherent in the independent media space: conspiracy rabbit holes leading truth seekers astray and desensitization to dark subject matter. What do you think? Corbett Report members are encouraged to leave yo

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Oh yes, the YouTube filters are getting stricter and stricter. Now a few seconds of bumper music is enough to keep an entire radio program from being seen on the platform. Good thing there are plenty of other ways to get Corbett Report content.

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The founder of and veteran publisher of suppressed documents joins us to discuss what can be learned from the Wikileaks phenomenon, including the ways that information leaks can themselves be manipulated. We also discuss corporate compli

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The former editor of Time / former Undersecretary of State for Public Policy thinks the US government propagandizing its own citizens is just fine and dandy. And where did he deliver these remarks? At the CFR, of course! Shocking, I know.