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Social Justice Warriors-SJW**Q**s

Article Image - Dr Mark Sircus

We have to stop that deadly virus that is so incredibly virulent that, according to the CDC, 99.8% of those exposed to it survive. Wear your masks is the order of the day, but along the way, many, including the Surgeon General of the United States, h

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Eric Peters Autos

America is becoming Bergeron - a new country based on the principles laid out in Kurt Vonnegut's depressingly prescient short story, Harrison Bergeron.

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Eric Peters Autos

Being Undiapered is a weird thing these days - a measure of just how weird these days are. In the "new normal," it is considered abnormal to show your face - and normal to walk around with what amounts to a literal Diaper over your face

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Eric Peters Autos

The Sickness Cult is a natural consequence of the Safety Cult; both are fundamentally worry-wart cults. Something might happen – so everything (no matter how over-the-top) must be done to prevent the possibility.

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Teens for Trump

Today I have finally made the decision to expose my high school for the SJW trash dump it is, but this is only a small portion of the big problem. My high school is certainly not the only school teaching the sjw narrative in their curriculum. By the

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Given the danger, fear and barbarism that are presently engulfing the West, I find it necessary to point out that we've lost something very important: We're no longer having serious public conversations.

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Eric Peters Autos

Hysterical people can't be reasoned with - and when hysterical people appear (being Diapered) to outnumber you, there is pressure to not stick out by not showing your face.
