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Social Justice Warriors-SJW**Q**s

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America is led by a bunch of incompetent, immoral nincompoops, and we all know it. Pick the field: government, law, religion, journalism, medicine or education. It's all the same. At the top, they are scum. Cream is not the only thing that rises to

Article Image, NickelthroweR

I was taking a break from cutting firewood and I sat down at my computer to see if anyone had responded to my post over at r/antiwork.

Article Image by Techno Fog

The Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in the late summer of 2021, shortly after the Americans withdrew, tired and weary and broke after nearly 20 years of fighting.

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The Highwire - Del Bigtree - Bitchute

A Look Back on HighWire's Coverage of Covid; Welcome to the Party, Joe Rogan; ICAN Sues for V-Safe Data; Are You Suffering From Mass Delusional Psychosis?; COVID Deaths Down, excess Deaths up? Are Government Payouts Manipulating US Covid Data?

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Peak Prosperity -

Professor Mattias Desmet talks about his work that connects past historical episodes of what is called "Mass Formation" (aka Mass Psychosis) and current events. The risks are as grave as they come. Unless a few brave and courageous people are w


Awards will have NO celebrities, audience or red carpet and televised ceremony is AXED - after stars called for a boycott over awards' 'lack of diversity'

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The Highwire - Del Bigtree - Bitchute

An almost 40 year-old interview with an ex-KGB Defector, Yuri Bezmenov, has re-emerged and is going viral. Why is it going viral now? Del sits down with the journalist who conducted that interview, G. Edward Griffin, for a deep dive into the Russian

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Fauci is again in front of the camera, hectoring people to stay home on New Year's - and whatever they do, DON'T hug each other to greet the New Year. What's wrong with this guy? Also today - is Biden purposely withholding a proven Covid treatment? F

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Eric Peters Autos

To all those who regard me and other people who have chosen not be injected as "selfish" or "stupid" or "reckless": Get therapy.

Article Image, By JENNIFER SMITH

Virginia's woke 2021 time capsule: Box filled with BLM stickers, Pride badges, COVID vaccine vial and photos from protests will replace 1887 artifacts buried in pedestal of Richmond's toppled Robert E. Lee statue

Article Image, By JENNIFER SMITH

Virginia's woke 2021 time capsule: Box filled with BLM stickers, Pride badges, COVID vaccine vial and photos from protests will replace 1887 artifacts buried in pedestal of Richmond's toppled Robert E. Lee statue