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Jeff Clark 

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Jeff Clark
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Having worked on his family’s gold claims in California and Arizona, as well as a mine in a place to remain nameless, these days Jeff Clark focuses on following some of the most successful miners in the world. Jeff’s research and writing skills are also utilized in his role as editor and one of the primary writers of Casey's Gold & Resource Report. Whether it is researching new companies to recommend, analyzing the big trend in gold, or looking for other safe and profitable ways to capitalize on the bull market, Jeff is devoted to making Casey's Gold & Resource Report the best precious metals newsletter for the prudent investor. He coordinates the efforts among the research and writing team, ensuring that whatever is happening in the gold and silver market doesn’t escape coverage. 

Current Columns and Articles

Feature Article
Here's What the Next Gold Bull Market Will Look Like 
   The percentage gains from prior gold bull markets applied to current gold stocks shows enormous profit potential is ahead.
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History Shows A Gold Bull Market Is Fast Approaching 
   Changes on the horizon will transform the gold market from flat and listless to exciting and profitable.
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The Next Gold Bull Market Starts Before October 
   A major event will take place this October and could impact gold. And my bet with Harry Dent is live!
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Buy Silver or You Will Die! 
   Silver is vital to human existence. Check out the new way we intend to profit.
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These Three Developments Say New Mine Supply Is Peaking 
   This three-headed monster has long-term implications for the gold market--and gold investors.
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Why Aren't These Investors Worried About The Gold Price? 
   Why some gold investors are confident about gold's future--and how you can be, too.
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Reality Always Wins… But Never on Schedule 
   It's possible not only to recover from a severe correction but to come out way ahead.
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Why You Should Listen to This Man About Gold 
   Watching and following an industry's most successful players can pay off very well for investors.
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Feature Article
What Top Hedge Fund Managers Really Think About Gold 
   Jeff Clark interviews several top hedge fund managers for quick summaries on their thoughts on gold.
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Feature Article
Dear Harry Dent: Wanna Bet? 
   Jeff Clark takes on Harry Dent's predictions of gold dropping to $250 in the next 5-8 years.
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Feature Article
2015 Outlook: What You Really Need to Know 
   Precious metals have started the year with a strong rally, here's our take on what happens next.
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Gold Was Up 73% Last Year! 
   There are lessons for us all in the way gold helped savvy Russians mitigate the crisis in their economy and currency last year.
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Top 7 Reasons I'm Buying Silver Now 
   Jeff Clark explains the seven reasons why it's time to buy silver today.
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The Single Most Important Strategy Most Investors Ignore 
   Jeff Clark explains to skeptics why international diversification is so important.
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Feature Article
The Only PGM Stock You Should Buy 
   There is only one company's stock we're willing to recommend in the platinum-palladium space.
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Feature Article
The Birth of a New Bull Market 
   The PGM market is teetering on the edge of a serious supply crunch"more than enough reason to diversify into these “other” precious metals now.
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Feature Article
Time to Admit That Gold Peaked in 2011? 
   According to some analysts, on an inflation-adjusted basis, gold has already matched its 1980s peak"but is that really true?
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Listen, Silver: We Need to Talk 
   Will “the other monetary metal” be stuck in the doldrums forever?
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Feature Article
Inflation Is Coming, What to Do"NOW 
   When things get dicey in a country, citizens turn to traditional inflation hedges.
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Feature Article
Gold Is Seasonal: When Is the Best Month to Buy? 
   Historically, there’s a seasonality to gold prices"find out what’s the best time to buy bullion on the cheap
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Feature Article
What 10-Baggers (and 100-Baggers) Look Like 
   Now that it appears clear the bottom is in for gold, it’s time to stop fretting about how low prices will drop and how long the correction will last"and start looking at how high they’ll go and when they’ll get there.
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International Buying & Your Shot at 1,000% Gains 
   Most Americans are still oblivious to potential in gold this year, but foreigners are buying, and that's setting the stage for spectacular gains"on the right stocks.
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Feature Article
Doug Casey: “Gold Stocks Are About to Create a Whole New Class of Millionaires” 
   Now looks like the best time to jump into undervalued precious metals mining stocks
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Feature Article
New Trend Guarantees Higher Gold Prices 
   If you're like me, you've bought gold due to the money printing policies of most developed countries and the effect those policies will have on the future purchasing power of our paper money. Probably also because there's no viable way for government
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Feature Article
Time for Goldbugs to Admit Defeat? 
   After a 12-year run, it looks like gold's wave has truly crested, and many bears are arguing that it's all downhill from here. A quick glance at a long-term gold price chart can certainly seem to confirm this impression.
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Hitch a Ride on This Supply Crunch 
   Can you name a commodity that's currently in a supply deficit"in other words, production and scrap material can't keep up with demand? How about two?
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Feature Article
The Biggest Fear in Retirement, and the Golden Solution 
   An interview with Dennis Miller of Miller's Money Forever, by Jeff Clark
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Feature Article
Ground Control to Major Tom: Reserves Are in Jeopardy 
   The gold industry will see a significant reduction in mineable reserves"what does that mean for investors?
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Chinese Housewives vs. Goldman Sachs: No Contest 
   Goldman Sachs is once again predicting that gold will fall, setting a new near-term target of $1,050.
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Feature Article
Write-Downs: Death Sentence or Opportunity? 
   For many primary gold producers, Q213 was a breathtakingly bad quarter. It wasn't so much the massive drop in earnings many reported"those had been, for the most part, expected"but the so-called "impairment charges" announced.
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Feature Article
Poor Economy = Low Gold Price? 
   Despite some positive data, the global economy is showing signs of slowing, a remarkable development in itself when you consider all the money printing and deficit spending that's transpired over the past few years.
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Feature Article
A (Photovoltaic) Silver Bull in China 
   Increased industrial usage is a positive sign for silver investors.
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Feature Article
A Rare Anomaly in the Gold Market 
   Gold stock investors have been pummeled, including myself. Worse, we've had to hear "I told you so" from all the gold haters in the media.
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Feature Article
What Are Reasonable Gold Market Expectations? 
   If the gold market is in a full-blown meltdown, it's crucial to be prepared " to profit.
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Feature Article
What Lies Ahead for Gold? 
   Contradictory market signals create confusion on how to invest in gold today... but there is a path through for those with the courage to choose it.
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Feature Article
Are the Gold Bugs Wrong? 
   Amid the ongoing rollercoaster ride of gold prices, clearheaded thinking reveals reasons to be optimistic.
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Time to Stress Test Your Resolve in the Gold Markets 
   Recent turbulence in the gold market can reveal which investors have what it takes to be successful contrarians.
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Feature Article
Seller’s Remorse 
   I think sellers abandoned gold equities prematurely on weak grounds, and will be back when that becomes obvious, joined by even bigger numbers of new investors.
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Feature Article
Rick Rule’s Reasons to Buy Gold and Select Gold Stocks 
   This interview with contrarian natural-resource investing legend Rick Rule explores where mining stocks are in the cycle, and why now's the time for investors to be excited.
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Feature Article
Platinum and Palladium: A Fundamental Shift 
   Platinum is a precious metal, as is palladium, though to a lesser degree. However, like silver, both are also industrial metals.
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Feature Article
Buy Gold NOW 
   You've undoubtedly read about the dramatic increase in demand for gold and silver bullion products since the big correction two weeks ago.
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Feature Article
Recent Action in Silver ETFs Is Bad News for Precious-Metals Bears 
   Silver may be a better investment than gold right now " but it requires more caution.
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Feature Article
The Chess Game of Capital Controls 
   Germany's call to repatriate its gold is sending an important signal to precious metals investors.
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Feature Article
Preparing for Inflationary Times 
   If inflation truly is baked in the US economic cake, how can investors start preparing for it now?
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Feature Article
Ignore Banks' Bearish Statements on Gold 
   Goldman Sachs has lowered its gold price projections and says the metal is headed to $1,200. Credit Suisse and UBS are bearish. Citigroup says the gold bull market is over.So I guess it's time to pack it in, right?
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Feature Article
Whom to Believe on Gold: Central Banks or Bloomberg? 
   A precious metals lesson from central banks.
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Feature Article
Hi Ho Silver: Making the Case for This Precious Metal 
   Even though the newsletter I write for Casey Research is focused primarily on gold, our metals investments cover all the precious metals, and when warranted, some base-metals plays too. And with the markets in the state they are, I want to say someth
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Feature Article
Embrace Silver's Volatility All the Way to the Bank 
   How to profit from the Jekyll-and-Hyde world of silver
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Feature Article
Candidates for 2013 Gold Stock of the Year 
   Is your precious-metals portfolio ready for 2013?
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Feature Article
Confessions of a Gold Analyst: "It's All My Fault" 
   Examining gold analysts' predictions reveals a surprise... and reason for resource investors to be optimistic about the future.
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Feature Article
What Will Gold Do This Year? 
   Will the trend be bulls or bears for gold in 2013?
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Feature Article
12 Gold Bugs Bring Christmas Cheer 
   While gold's recent action has been a little mystifying, gold bugs view it as an opportunity... maybe one that's soon to vanish.
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Feature Article
Is a Global Gold Supply Crunch Forming? 
   A key country's activity in the gold market is shaking things up in a big way.
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Feature Article
How Do the Chinese View the Gold Market? 
   An illuminating comparison of Chinese and American gold-buying habits... and government views on doing so.
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Feature Article
How to Play Your Gold Stocks Now 
   Volatility continues to be the trend for precious-metals prices and stocks. How should investors handle their gold stocks through the next few months?
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Feature Article
What Will the Price of Gold Be in January 2014? 
   A Casey Research metals analyst makes a case for a serious short-term surge in the price of gold.
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Feature Article
The Solar Silver Thrust 
   In early July, Japan set a premium price for solar energy that was three times the rate of conventional power.
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Feature Article
When Will Gold Finally Take Off Again? 
   No one can say for sure when gold will start its big rise in the current bubble cycle, but there are signs to watch for.
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Feature Article
What to Do When - Not If - Inflation Gets Out of Hand (Publisher Recommended) 
   Are you prepared to handle high inflation for a sustained period of time? (Publisher: Very Useful Charts)
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Feature Article
Your Window to Buy Gold Below $1,700 Is Closing 
   Short-term as well as longer-term trends suggest that the gold price is going to move out of its recent correction soon.
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Feature Article
Could Gold Be Tripped Up by a Coming Deflation? 
   In an interview with Casey Research's Jeff Clark, Jim Puplava relies on US historical and recent Japanese economic data to make a strong case against deflation happening in the US in the near term.
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Feature Article
Profiting from Europe's New Gold Rush 
   Europe owns a sizable chunk of the world's natural resources. Over the past few decades, however, EU countries have mostly imported their resources.
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Feature Article
Does Central-Bank Gold-Buying Signal the Top Is Near? 
   Worldwide, central banks are snapping up gold again. Does this mean a bubble is forming?
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Feature Article
Why Are We Certain that Gold Producers Will Soar? 
   For the past eighteen months, gold stocks have been pummeled.
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Feature Article
How Does Gold Fare During Hyperinflationary Periods? 
   Much is made of what can happen to a fiat currency during hyperinflation, but the real question to ponder is how do the precious metals handle such conditions.
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Feature Article
How to Invest Your Mother's Money " And Keep Your Peace of Mind 
   I manage one of my mother's IRA accounts, and when it comes to investing, she doesn't like to take a lot of risks. I guess the same would be true for most of our mothers " and maybe for many of us as well.
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Feature Article
Is the Table Set for a Mania in Precious Metals? 
   It may feel like I'm out of touch with the precious metals markets to broach the subject of a mania today, but I think the table is being set now for a huge move into gold and silver.
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Feature Article
What Is Volume Telling Us about Gold Stocks? 
   I've read articles from more than one analyst claiming that gold stocks are down on low volume, implying there's a lack of interest in precious metals.
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Feature Article
What Happens to Gold if We Enter a Recession or Depression? 
   Mayan prophecies aside, many of the senior Casey Research staff believe that economic, monetary, and fiscal pressures could come to a head this year.
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Feature Article
Where (and When) to Place Your Investment Bets? 
   Let's explore the advantages of saving in gold and silver over dollars. Here's a hypothetical look at what could occur over the remainder of this decade.
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Feature Article
Gold's Critical Metric 
   There are many reasons why gold is still our favorite investment " from inflation fears and sovereign debt concerns to deeper, systemic economic problems.
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Feature Article
Will India Stop Buying Gold? 
   We've read mixed reports about how lofty gold and silver prices are affecting demand in India. One month we're told demand is up, and the next it's supposedly down.
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Feature Article
Time to Accumulate Gold and Silver 
   Do you own enough gold and silver for what lies ahead?
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Feature Article
The Face of Volatility 
   On February 29, gold dropped 4.8% and silver 6.2% (based on London fix prices). That's quite the fall for one day.
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Feature Article
Rare Earth Investment Update 
   We've received a number of inquiries from Casey Research subscribers about our opinion on the current rare earth metals market.
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Feature Article
If Gold Could Talk 
   Have you ever had any doubts about gold? Does it sometimes feel like it should be performing better?
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Feature Article
A New Reason Gold Stocks Will Soar 
   But I think there's another reason why gold stocks will soar " one that hasn't dawned on many in the industry yet.
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Feature Article
When Will Gold Reach a New High? 
   Some investors are frustrated and a few are worried that gold seems stuck in a rut.
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Feature Article
Was 2011 a Dud or a Springboard for Gold? 
   2011 was remarkable in many ways for the precious metals markets.
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Feature Article
Why Has Gold Been Down? 
   After all, in spite of some short-term fixes, there remains no real resolution to the sovereign debt issues in many European countries.
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Feature Article
Are You Tempted to Sell, or Eager to Buy? 
   It wasn't a fun week for gold. By the close on Friday, the metal was down 6.7% (based on London PM fix prices), the biggest weekly decline since September.
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Feature Article
Gold Stocks: Still a Bargain  
   We've been saying since September that gold producers are undervalued, and here are some data that show just how extreme the undervaluation is.
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Feature Article
Pullbacks in Perspective 
   If you're bullish about the long term for gold and silver, it's mouthwatering to watch them undergo a major correction after taking earlier profits that added to your deployable cash.
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Feature Article
Start Thinking in Terms of Gold Price 
   A young woman " let's call her Andrea " inherited some money from her father in late 1997. She was only nineteen at the time.
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Feature Article
What 'To The Moon' Will Look Like 
   This may sound sensationalistic, but I think the odds are very high that, on average, gold producers will sell in the $200 range before this bull market is over.
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Feature Article
Don't Sweat the Correction in Gold  
   I've told more than one concerned investor that when the gold price falls, they should "come back in three months" and see if they're still worried.
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Feature Article
Why Gold Should Set New Highs for the Holidays  
   Most gold followers know the metal has a seasonal tendency to perform better in the fall and winter than in the spring and summer.
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Feature Article
The Gold Investor's Biggest Risk 
   While we're convinced that our gold and silver investments will pay off, they don't come without risk. What do you suppose is the biggest risk we face?
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Feature Article
A Golden Mistake Worth Repeating 
   The following conversation took place between a friend's son and me; he's a bright but relatively young investor.
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Feature Article
Is It Time to Load up on Gold Stocks? 
   By almost any measure, gold stocks are undervalued. Should we load up?
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Feature Article
On the Threshold of the Greatest Bubble in History 
   It may not feel like it after a 12% correction in the past 30 days, but Mike Maloney " founder of " is convinced that we’re in a gold bull market that will be life changing for those who participate.
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Feature Article
Silvercorp Goes on the Offensive 
   I’m writing from China, where I’m attending Silvercorp Metals’ (SVM) mine tour with other analysts and reporters.
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Feature Article
How Long Might It Take to Get Rich from Gold Stocks? 
   Let’s just admit it: we’re invested in gold stocks not just to make money, but for the chance to change our lifestyles. And with their lackadaisical year-to-date performance, one may begin to wonder if they’re still going to bring the magic.
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Feature Article
How Far Can Gold and Silver Climb? 
   With gold a stone’s throw away from $2,000 and already up 27% on the year, the objective investor might begin wondering how much higher both it and silver can climb.
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Feature Article
Gold Stocks Prognosis: Catalyst, Please 
   It’s probably the #1 question on every gold investor’s mind right now: Why are gold stocks underperforming gold? Aren’t they supposed to bring us leverage to the gold price?
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Feature Article
Fear Mania Comes to Gold 
   Is the mania here?
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Feature Article
When Buying Gold Becomes a Life-or-Death Question 
   I was recently asked in an interview if I thought gold was going to $5,000 an ounce. “No,” I said bluntly. “I think it’s going higher.”
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Feature Article
The Buzz Around Gold is Growing Louder 
   I outlined last week the increasingly bullish consensus among analysts about gold stocks. The same pattern exists with gold itself; growing numbers of analysts have either joined the movement or have upped their bullish outlook.
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Feature Article
A Thousand Pictures Is Worth One Word 
   In spite of constant headlines about debts and deficits, most Americans don’t really believe the U.S. dollar will collapse.
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Feature Article
Amazon vs. City Hall  
   My local newspaper ran a story about the escalating battle between and the state of California. At issue is the collection of sales tax: Governor Jerry Brown signed a law requiring online retailers to collect state sales tax on purchases m
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Feature Article
If the Dollar Goes, What Happens to Your Portfolio? 
   Have you considered what will happen to your portfolio―and all the other areas of your life―if the dollar fails? The ramifications will be widespread, painful, and inescapable if you’re not properly diversified.
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Feature Article
How I Know Another Correction Is Coming 
   The gold price has been rising steadily for almost a year now, with nary a correction. It fell only 4% last month, and the biggest decline since last July was January’s 6.2% drop.
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Feature Article
Can You Pass the 2011 Silver Quiz? 
   CPM Group recently released their 2011 Silver Yearbook, one of the industry’s most comprehensive sources of information on the silver market.
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Feature Article
“Silver Price: The Least You Should Worry About” 
   I heard some disturbing reports about silver supply last month that I felt every investor should know.
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Feature Article
When a Gold Necklace Isn't Jewelry 
   When it comes to supply and demand, what you’ve been told about gold jewelry is wrong. That’s a strong statement, but I’ve got a firsthand account to back it up.
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Feature Article
Are You A Smart Money Investor? 
   You’ve probably heard the term “smart money” used by various pundits, a reference to those investors and institutions that are consistently better at making money than the uninformed masses.
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Can You Pass The 2011 Gold Quiz? 
   CPM Group recently released their 2011 Gold Yearbook, an invaluable resource for us gold analysts.
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Feature Article
Silver Is Getting Too Popular… Right?  
   It’s no secret that the silver market is red hot. As I write, silver American Eagles and Canadian Maple Leafs are sold out at their respective mints.
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Feature Article
The Lesson from Japan for PM Investors 
   It feels a little callous writing about Japan with respect to precious metals after the country suffered such a terrible tragedy.
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Feature Article
Investment Legends: “Dollar Collapse Inevitable” 
   What will happen to the U.S. economy and the dollar in the near term? Will inflation increase dramatically? What is the outlook for gold, and where should you put your money?
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Feature Article
Think Like a Thief 
   It’s official: the greatest number of responses to any article I’ve written since joining Casey Research was to Robbed!, the story of my friend’s gold being stolen and the suggestions for storage.
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Feature Article
The World’s Best Gold Experts: “Buy and Hold!” 
   n January, Jeff Clark of Casey Research’s BIG GOLD advisory set out to get opinions from some of the smartest, most accomplished investors in the gold industry " where is the gold price going to go, how volatile will the markets be, what’s the outloo
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Feature Article
The Driver for Gold You’re Not Watching 
   You already know the basic reasons for owning gold " currency protection, inflation hedge, store of value, calamity insurance " many of which are becoming clichés even in mainstream articles. Throw in the supply and demand imbalance, and you’ve got t
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Feature Article
How Safe Is Your Physical Gold?  
   One of my best friends recently discovered, to his shock and dismay, that five one-ounce gold coins had been stolen from his home. I feel especially bad because I had encouraged him to buy some physical metal, giving him some tips and pointing him to
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What You Need to Know About Buying Silver Today 
   It’s hard to believe that less than three years ago, silver was $8.80 an ounce. Since then it has nearly quadrupled in value (up 385%) and more than doubled in the last 12 months alone.
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Why I'm Buying Silver at $30 
   The silver price has bounced 27% since January 28, a huge advance for a measly 16 trading days.
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Bottleneck or Supply Deficit? 
   There have been numerous reports of bullion shortages in many parts around the world, along with rising premiums. And the two explanations " we’re running out of gold! and, it’s just a manufacturing bottleneck " are at odds with one another. So, who’
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How Much More Demand Can Silver Handle? 
   The numbers for silver demand are starting to make some market-watchers nervous. The U.S. Mint sold over 6.4 million silver Eagles in January, more than any other month since the coin’s introduction in 1986.
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How to Buy a Vacation Home 
   For most people, there are some surefire luxuries that signify wealth, a few pearls of conspicuous consumption that say you've made it. For me, it's always been a second home.
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'Fear and Love Make Gold Strong' 
   For the BIG GOLD annual gold forecast survey published in January, Jeff Clark surveyed seven gold experts and nine top economists and fund managers, along with Doug Casey himself, to provide their best insight on what to expect in 2011 and how to inv
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Are Gold Pool Accounts Safe? 
   One of the cheapest ways to buy and store physical gold and silver is with unallocated (or pool) storage. With unallocated storage, a dealer holds metal that is owned by its customers, but without identifying any particular piece of metal belonging t
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New Year’s Resolutions for Your Gold Portfolio 
   It's exciting to think we may be nearing a mania in gold. The price will likely double or more within a 12-month period not too far in the future (it rose 125.7% in 1979). And yet, amazingly, there will be investors who lose money in that run.
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How High Will Gold Go in 2011? 
   After stellar years for both gold and silver, what prices will precious metals hit in 2011? Here's an analysis based strictly on their price behavior in the current bull market.
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Insight from a Master 
   When John Hathaway spoke at the Casey’s Gold and Resource Summit in October, many of the audience came away feeling like they were listening to Doug Casey, with his contrarian views, bold statements, and laying much of the blame for our current probl
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Wealth You Can Wear 
   In 1975, as Saigon was falling, South Vietnamese refugees were air-evacuated into Guam and the U.S.
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Kazakhstan: A Positive Climate for Gold 
   The following is an interview Jeff Clark, co-editor of Casey’s International Speculator, conducted with Dr. Sergey Kurzin, a Casey Explorers’ League honoree.
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The Silver Sleuth 
   We once had an ongoing series in BIG GOLD called, "1001 Reasons to Own Gold." The idea was that there were so many valid reasons to own the metal that I wanted to track and report on them. If you've been invested in the precious metals arena, you kno
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Gold, Get it While You Can 
   We've got it easy right now. Click or call, and you can quickly and conveniently own a gold coin or bar. But if global concerns cause another panic or the dollar breaks down, you could find yourself standing in a line at the local coin shop or gettin
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Welcome to the Mania 
   With gold punching the $1,300 mark, thoughts of what a gold mania will be like crossed my mind. If we're right about the future of precious metals, a gold rush of historic proportions lies ahead of us. Have you thought about how a mania might affect
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How High Will Gold Go This Fall? 
   The gold price has been hitting ever-new records over the past couple weeks, now closing in on the $1,300 mark. Some gold followers are saying this is extremely bullish for the near-term price since it broke so decisively through its June 28th high o
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You'll Buy Gold Now and Like It! 
   I get this question a lot: "Should I buy gold now, or wait for a pullback?"
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The Best Gold Interview of 2010 
   Much of what passes for “insider” information these days is often conspiracy-edged or largely conjecture. True inside information is actually hard to come by. So what follows is the refreshingly candid and uncut version of my talk with a first-hand p
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How to Buy Your Kids a House 
   I don’t have a crystal ball, but I’ll bet I can tell you how much a house will cost in five years.
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Is Now a Good Time to Buy Gold? 
   While we’re convinced gold and gold stocks are destined for much higher levels, buying when prices are low can mean the difference between a double or triple and a ten-bagger... a week in Malibu vs. a week in Milan.
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Is the Gold Trade “Crowded”? 
   It’s true that GLD’s assets just passed the $50 billion mark, and that it’s the second largest U.S. ETF. Yes, mints had difficulty filling orders when the Greek crisis broke. And yes, the gold price is up nine years in a row.
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Time to Board the Gold Stocks Train? 
   One of the big hints that gold stocks will be ready for take-off is when they stop following the broader markets and strictly track gold, particularly if the market falls and gold stocks don’t. We now have data showing this has just occurred. From
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Anatomy of a Three-Bagger: The Brett Resources Story 
   Shareholders were treated to a big win last month when Brett Resources (V.BBR) was bought out by Osisko Mining (T.OSK), giving investors a triple from our initial recommendation. We talked with Brett Chairman Ron Netolitzky to get the story behind ho
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Give unto Caesar - What to Pay When You're Selling 
   Proper planning with your finances is incomplete until you consider the endgame consequences of your investment decisions today. So, what are the tax consequences of selling gold, gold ETFs, and gold stocks?
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How Low Will Silver Go? 
   We released our 2010 Silver Buying Guide last week and the silver price promptly cratered. So does this change our view of gold’s shiny cousin? Hardly.
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3 Steps to Geographically Diversifying Your Gold Stocks 
   “I don’t like it, Jerry,” he said in a grave tone, as if scolding a misbehaving child. “Why don’t you invest in the gold company I told you about?” Jerry thought this might happen. His broker was traditional, conventional, and only pushed compan
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Help! I’ve Been Taxed and I Can’t Get Up 
   Like many of you, the passage of the healthcare bill wasn’t met with the popping of champagne in my house. I found myself chanting “Uncle Sam, Uncle Sham” as the day wore on. Higher taxes and other major changes are headed our way. And yet, I think t
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Competition for the IMF’s Gold?  
   On February 24, Reuters reported that the Reserve Bank of India was “set to be a buyer” of the 191.3 tonnes (6.74 million ounces) of gold the IMF is selling. Although the bank wouldn’t comment directly on the possibility, they did say, “We are closel
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Feature Article
Competition for the IMF’s Gold?  
   On February 24, Reuters reported that the Reserve Bank of India was “set to be a buyer” of the 191.3 tonnes (6.74 million ounces) of gold the IMF is selling. Although the bank wouldn’t comment directly on the possibility, they did say, “We are closel
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What’s More Important: Price Per Ounce or Ounces Owned?  
   In a recent conversation with a fellow gold analyst, he was emphatic that the price one pays for physical gold should be ignored. “What’s far more important,” he insisted, “is how many ounces I own in relation to the total value of my assets.”
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Gold, the IMF, and Dirty Jokes 
   How many IMF officials does it take to change a light bulb? As you probably read, the International Monetary Fund announced they would proceed with selling the remaining 191.3 tonnes of gold from the 403.3 tonnes planned. The money is to be used fo
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How to Talk to a Nincompoop 
   My Grandmother’s favorite word for politely describing the obtuse among us aptly characterizes a recent attack on gold. And that it comes from an investment magazine that commands front-of-the-rack prominence in waiting rooms across our great land is
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Why I Hope Gold Falls to $1,000 
   As a self-professed gold bug, why would I possibly want my favorite investment to fall in value? Have the long hours finally caught up with me?
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The Biggest Financial Deception of the Decade 
   Enron? Bear Stearns? Bernie Madoff? They’re all big stories about big losses and have hurt a lot of employees and investors. But none come close to getting my vote for the decade’s most dastardly deception...
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The Biggest Financial Deception of the Decade 
   Enron? Bear Stearns? Bernie Madoff? They’re all big stories about big losses and have hurt a lot of employees and investors. But none come close to getting my vote for the decade’s most dastardly deception...
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Feature Article
What Likely Lurks Around the Corner 
   In the short term, a catastrophic deflation is quite possible. But in the long term, extremely high levels of inflation are now inevitable. The situation is very serious. Gold is the best hedge against both of these things. The better part of your fi
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Feature Article
How to Predict the Price of Gold 
   Long-term readers know that gold moves inversely to the dollar, meaning if the dollar drops, gold tends to rise (and vice versa). This happens with about 80% regularity. But what many gold writers haven’t acknowledged is the leveraged movement our fa
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Canadian Gold Juniors Soar " Should You Buy Now?  
   For years, gold bugs like Doug Casey and his team have been saying that once gold takes off to stratospheric heights, it will take the gold mining stocks with it. It’s called the “Mania phase” of the commodity bull market.
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How Will Niagara Falls Fit Through a Garden Hose? 
   Elmer Sutton’s eyebrows shot up when he saw the ad proclaiming gold stocks might make you wealthy. It sounded like the perfect solution for his stock portfolio, loaded with investments going nowhere. He vaguely recalled hearing a little about gold,
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Why Gold Has a LONG Way to Go 
   A couple weeks ago, I had my TV tuned to a business show that loves to give predictions on the markets and the economy. On that day, one of the program’s regular guests declared it was time to “short” gold, that it had reached its top, and that the p
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The Dollar in Your Wallet Is Only Worth 18¢ 
   It was the mid-‘70s. I was helping my Dad build a dirt road to our barn and he wasn’t happy. Not about the hard work or humidity, but from what was happening to the dollar. Inflation was starting to kick into high gear, grabbing headlines that even a
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What If Everyone in the World Wanted a 1-ounce Gold Coin?  
   If we’re right about where the price of gold is headed, the general public will someday clamor to buy all things gold. While gold stocks will be where the real leverage is, the rush will start with gold itself. As a gold editor, I have a very natural
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Is the Fun for Gold Just Beginning? 
   Jeff Clark, Senior Editor, Casey’s Gold & Resource Report

You likely heard that the Central Bank Gold Agreement was extended by the signatory banks last month. This is the agreement where central banks around the world agree to limit sales and to do so in an orderly fashion so as to not disrupt prices.

While most writers focused on the fact that the agreement set a lower limit (400 tonnes per year, down from 500) " clearly a bullish indicator " I think there’s a more obvious fact many are overlooking that’s even more bullish.

In the first two 5-year agreements, CBGA signatories sold 4,000 tonnes of gold, or approximately 141 million ounces. This is an incredible amount of gold to dump on the market; it’s equivalent to almost two entire years of global production. Based on an average gold selling price over those 10 years of $600, this equals approximately $84.6 billion of gold.

This amount of sales should’ve had a hugely depres

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