"The Libertarian Party does not need a 'true
conservative' at the head of its ticket in November, it needs a
principled libertarian," said Dr. Mary Ruwart in response to Bob Barr's
formal entry into the LP's presidential nomination race.
"Like many Libertarians, I was waiting to welcome Bob Barr into the
presidential contest, but I was sadly disappointed by his obvious
campaign focus when he finally made his announcement," Dr. Ruwart said.
Dr. Ruwart noted that Barr spent most of the news conference
criticizing Sen. John McCain as not being a conservative and alluding
to how he could win conservative Republican voters.
"Liberty is for everyone, not just the disaffected right," Dr.
Ruwart pointed out. "We need a candidate who can show each and every
American how liberty helps them achieve the health, wealth and
happiness that we all desire."
"Barr barely mentioned the Libertarian Party, except to
mis-characterize us as being similar to the Republican and Democratic
parties," Dr. Ruwart said.
In response to a question about his chances of winning the LP
nomination, Barr said, "But the one thing that unites all three parties
– the Republican Party, the Democrat Party and the Libertarian Party –
as three national parties of great substance is the fact that they want
to win. They view themselves and believe themselves and will act as a
political party, not debating society."
"For Democrats and Republicans, victory is equated with getting
votes and winning elections," Dr. Ruwart remarked. "For Libertarians,
the only victory that counts in the long run is helping the American
people to embrace liberty. Once we've achieved that, winning elections
will follow naturally."
"Winning votes or elections at the expense of our principles would
be a loss for both the Libertarian Party and for America," Dr. Ruwart
continued. "Mr. Barr wants to continue the War on Drugs and send troops
to Columbia in order to do so. He wants to replace the Income Tax with
the National Sales Tax, rather than cutting back spending enough to
replace it with nothing. This is a message of 'liberty for some' rather
than 'liberty for all.' "
Now that Barr is formally in the race, Dr. Ruwart said that she
looks forward to hearing him directly answer questions from
Libertarians about his positions.
"Embracing liberty is an evolution,"
Dr. Ruwart pointed out. "I can't fault Mr. Barr for how far down the
road he's come. I'm just disappointed that I may have to wait for 2012
to see Bob Barr mount a true Libertarian campaign. Until he does, how
can he help the American people understand what he does not?"
1 Comments in Response to Ruwart Disappointed by Barr's Campaign Focus
This article appears to make good points - as far as the points go. Now that Bob Barr has been chosed as the nominee I would like to have someone write an article (or a wiki page) documenting exact quotes with exact URLs that back up the points made by Ruwart.