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Twas the Night Before Christmas in 2008 - By Penny Langford Longfellow

Written by Subject: Obama Administration
*Twas the Night Before Christmas in 2008*

*By Penny Langford Longfellow*

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*Twas the night before Christmas, it was 2008*

*Elections were over, deciding our fate*

*Obama was crowned the next US king*

*Picked by the globalist corporate machine*

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*Bush was all done and soon had to move*

*He left all his pretzels and beer just to prove*

*A drunk could be president of this nation*

*As long as he’s into truth modification*

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*So congress filled corporate stockings with care*

*In hopes that the citizens were not aware*

*The children while nestled all snug in their beds*

*Their future encumbered by debt by the feds*

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*Santa stayed home his job was too awesome*

*He couldn’t compete with Bernanke and Paulson*

*The elves were on strike because toys were imported*

*From China, their children long since been aborted*

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*Fluoride in the water and poison in shots*

*We were killing and dumbing down our little tots*

*We had put all our trust in the government way*

*Relinquished our rights to the ole FDA *

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*The value of human’s life has gotten so low*

*To the god of convenience the dumpster they go*

*We’ve warred and we’ve bombed it’s just what we “do”*

*Then wonder why reporters give Bush the ole shoe*

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*My head was all clear from the media sedation*

*From the web I had gotten all truth’s information*

*I read the reports from the scamps up in Congress*

*How database building was going to save us *

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*Am I bumming you out? Am I making you mad?*

*You say, “This is Christmas you’re making me sad”*

*If you’re getting pissed off at this little rhyme*

*All I can say is it’s about freaking time*

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*Our nation is sick in the pit of recession*

*Reindeer will be food when it comes a depression*

*I’m ready to go and I can stand no more*

*No more will I finance the government whore*

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*So I sprang from my bed and through open the sash*

*Intent on dissuading the upcoming crash*

*Gave Chertoff the finger and cried out with glee!*

*You’ll not get my money and you’ll never get me!*

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*I went to my vault and assessed all my ammo*

*Filled my clips with new bullets and pulled on my cammo*

*On Winchester, Segar my guns without locks*

*On Ruger, Smith Wesson and my new point nine Glock*

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*I was hoping it would not come down to a fight*

*But ready and willing I’d be for the night*

*The children were cheering the old time solution*

*To federal abuse it’s a new revolution*

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*Saved my money for gold and silver stockpiling*

*IRS will be damned in our new country’s filing*

*So no worries, we’re here, the remnant can slumber*

*Feds can’t get a bead on our accurate number*

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*Go put up your tinsels and ring all the bells*

*Christmas is coming sing songs of Noel*

*No less are we yearning our country’s safe keeping*

*The patriots watch though Revere may be sleeping*

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*For the man who brought freedom is alive and still here*

*He was laid in a manger for this message you’d hear*

*We’ll hope still for liberty and none to be lost*

*We are willing to pay again, liberty’s cost*

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