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Bud Burrell "What's Wrong With This Picture" (Publisher Recommended - AUDIO)

Written by Subject: Economy - Economics USA

Financial Sense Newshour with Jim Puplava

Bud Burrell

Topic: What's Wrong with This Picture?

October 11, 2008

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Mr. Bud Burrell has extensive experience working with major brokerage firms on the trading desk and arbitrage desk with almost 30 years experience -- Industry authority, expert, Wall Street veteran. Love him or hate him, you will always know where he stands - his no-holds-barred style and frank honesty make his blogs a must read, from one of the originals. View his landmark correspondences in The Bud Files.

Past Interview

The Greatest Crime in History, July 12, 2008
winmedia Real Player  winamp WinAmp  real audio Windows Media  mp3 Mp3

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 The July Speech was featured in this article in July of 2008
Feature Article  •  More about Economy - International
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Ernest Hancock

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Comment by Ernest Hancock
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Bud Burrell has agreed to be a speaker at the 2009 December Freedom Summit