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Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

If you can't load the video, here's how it goes. The whole beginning was a shitload of German dudes loading a car into a truck. It took a shitload of German scientists all damn day to load a car into a truck. They used a laptop and all kinds of sensors to get it just right and then they drive for like 5 seconds and then that started the middle part of the video where a whole different set of German dudes took half a day to unload the stupid car from the stupid truck.

At which point the guy who looked like he wanted to just DRIVE THE CAR in the first place was all bummed out because these firemen were hanging out in the middle of the tunnel he wanted to drive through, because I figured he'd said to hell with the guys and the truck, but the stupid firemen wouldn't get out of the damn way so finally the guy just said fuckit and did what he had to do and somehow he didn't run over any firemen although they would have deserved it if he had.

Stupid Germans.

Comment by Ken Valentine
Entered on:

 It looks fake to me.

I know that there are racing cars that are designed with so much "down-force" that they could drive on the ceiling, but this car isn't one of them -- wrong kind of aerodynamics.

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