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2020-02-27 06:41
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Entered by: Ed Martin
If you hate people, enjoy violating them, and want to get paid for doing it, who do you work for?
2020-02-27 06:11
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Entered by: Ed Martin
"The court went on to admonish Indiana law enforcement, suggesting that officers should have known better than to lean on such a flimsy excuse for probable cause." The court should be admonished for suggesting that "law enforcement" is not retarded.
2020-02-25 10:01
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Entered by: chris gill
I would highly doubt that. It may replace some of the local leaders but it would take a massive upheaval to get rid of the communist's in power there. I suspect many generals have a plan B to make themselves hero's who will ensure dissent goes away more efficiently and install another iron fisted government.
2020-02-25 09:14
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Entered by: chris gill
this if it is true, would show that government schools and universities in this country have managed to dumb down the voters to the point they see no difference between social programs by a nanny state with high taxes and socialist's states that have ruined every country it has be tried. You can't vote out a socialist state. You shoot your way out! Sad to think the so called free stuff is not free at all and will negatively impacts all of us. Even the countries that Burnie and the rest of the AOC led crowd are trying to get away form these same programs and are free market countries that often turn over these expensive health programs to privet company's to manage.
2020-02-23 14:40
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Entered by: PureTrust
Did I miss the chapel in the video?
2020-02-23 14:26
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Entered by: PureTrust
If they knock on your door, ask them to kindly show you the contract that they made. Otherwise get off your property. If you made a contract with them, obey the terms of the contract. It's only the right thing to do. --- If they take you to court, they will indict you in the name of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Require your accuser, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, himself/herself, to place his/her hand on the Bible, take the oath, get on the stand, and show the harm or damage you did to him/her, with evidence and witnesses. You have the absolute right to do this. Be firm. If they won't back down, take the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Service to court, personally, for not controlling his agents. Demand the same things from him as you did or would from THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
2020-02-23 14:16
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Entered by: Ed Martin
I was wondering who the voice was behind this:
2020-02-23 14:15
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Entered by: PureTrust
Look! The U.S. Government has to show a need for the military. If there isn't a need for the military, it will have to be scrapped. BUT. The BIG thing we are overlooking is, is there a need for the Federal Government? Maybe there isn't a need for the Federal Government, and it should be scrapped just like the military should be. Consider what Adam Kokesh says in his run for the Presidency, at Kokesh for President -
2020-02-23 14:00
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Entered by: PureTrust
An ounce of gold is almost 89 times more valuable than an ounce of silver. I've read that normal for the gold silver ration is 15 to 1. If this is true, silver is an excellent buy right now.
2020-02-20 05:30
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Entered by: FiddleFlapper
This is Awesome!! Bookmarked!
2020-02-19 07:56
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Entered by: Ed Martin
What was the "Constitution's" goal?
2020-02-18 16:24
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Entered by: PureTrust
There's gotta be an advantage to all this somewhere. For example, locusts might be gooey to eat. But they ARE edible. They are just harvesting the crops for you. Can 'em, for the years that it takes plants to recover from their harvesting.
2020-02-18 16:17
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Entered by: PureTrust
Ron Paul is very good for a politician. But he is just a politician, unless he is just media. If he were on the side of the people, he would talk about what the people can do about just about all the laws they don't like politicians putting in place. It's called jury nullification. If Ron Paul really were for the people, he would explain how folks can place any law on trial and how the jury can repeal it for a locality. And he would explain it over and over and over, possibly with every video or speech he makes.
2020-02-17 16:45
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Entered by: chris gill
I would not call it Chinese style but a brand of our own. Too many MSM filter out bad news, spin bad news to minimize they have to report if it goes against their political leanings. Add "fact checkers" (only on postings they don't like. Yet not there for their political leanings. Plus out right bans on items of anti gun control even if 100% correct and can be backed up. It may not be directly government control yet it is not stopped even if it interferes with free speech and directly effects elections.
2020-02-17 08:12
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Entered by: witchmate
The damage he is inflicting on all Americans is that everyone will have to pay higher insurance premiums to cover the costs of criminal activities caused by his enabling criminals to have a safe working environment. He is the criminals best friend. Every person in America needs to join in a class action lawsuit to require him to pay for the damage he is causing. Victims who have been denied the right of self defense should be compensated for their losses. Let's sue him into the poor house through civil litigation.
2020-02-16 13:11
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Entered by: PureTrust
Try pushing a bill through Congress, that if a politician tells a lie, its a mandatory death sentence.
2020-02-16 13:07
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Entered by: PureTrust
This Married Couple’s Love Story Started With a Car Crash -
2020-02-16 12:59
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Entered by: PureTrust
Election postponement? Hopefully not longer than eight years. Let's see, how old will Trump be by then?
2020-02-15 12:51
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Entered by: chris gill
Her views are to far??? Is this the same staff that thinks Gulags are not to bad a place for Conservatives to be sent too if Bernie wins and can get his way????
2020-02-15 12:45
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Entered by: chris gill
Doesn't this just prove there is a sliding scale of justice or at the very least a teared justice system. People supporting Socialist progressiveness democrats get off Scott-free on lying, destroying evidence, interference of lawful organizations tax status, leaking top secrets and unauthorized copying of secrets. Yet Republican and conservatives face the wrath of the DOJ, FBI and CIA for even the appearance of wrong even if the liberals do the same thing and legal. Or even worse being a Trump supporter. All the deep state clowns have been let off even though crimes have occurred. Yet Trump supporters have been convicted on process crimes when no crime has occurred to warrant an investigation to begin with.
2020-02-14 08:13
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Entered by: Ed Martin
Thou shalt not trespass. Keep your hands to yourself. "Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it." ~ Albert Einstein "Nothing is so contagious as example; and we never do any great good or evil which does not produce its like." ~ Francois de la Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)
2020-02-12 08:22
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Entered by: Ed Martin
True. That's why it is criminal that a "government" forces us to associate with each other.
2020-02-11 15:39
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Entered by: Doug Nusbaum
Q and the ever-growing worldwide movement it's inspired have been the objects of fascination, mockery and hatred, but of surprisingly little serious analysis. Given this: link text On multiple occasions, QAnon has dismissed his false claims and incorrect predictions as wilful misinformation, claiming that "disinformation is necessary".[52] This has led Australian psychologist Stephan Lewandowsky to emphasize the "self-sealing" quality of the conspiracy theory, highlighting its anonymous purveyor's use of plausible deniability and noting that evidence against the theory "can become evidence of [its] validity in the minds of believers".[45] Author Walter Kirn has described QAnon as an innovator among conspiracy theorists in his approach of enthralling his readers with 'clues' rather than directly presenting his claims: "The audience for internet narratives doesn’t want to read, it wants to write. It doesn’t want answers provided, it wants to search for them."[53] Why would anybody waste their time doing what you call "serious analysis". Clearly the statements from Q are not falsifiable:
2020-02-11 15:08
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Entered by: chris gill
the US has tossed aside our ability to make products we need in the USA. Government regs, political graft (both parties) have contributed greatly to this as had poor company management, Unions who want far more money than the skill and labor contribution warrants and the fact that a company can hire a whole team at the price of one US worker. The consumer is also at fault. (yes even me) A pain in the wallet is very real. Yet the American worker wages can't meet inflation with a dollar that is worth less every year. But if your wish is for a socialist system than look at China and blame the orange man
2020-02-11 14:35
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Entered by: chris gill
5% of the deaths of those treated in hospitals. What is the death rate of those not so fortunate??? I suspect much higher. This is the kind of government Americans want??? this must be a Bernie dream come true...
2020-02-11 12:51
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Entered by: trevor
Morpheus finally deposed from his position as Arizona's bitcoin criminal kingpin.
2020-02-11 10:17
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Entered by: PureTrust
Trump was attempting to use tariffs and foreign taxation to bring jobs back to America. Dems opposed him, along with many big business operations. Now, Coronavirus, is bringing about the thing Trump was trying to do, but without tariffs and foreign taxation. The question is, Is Trump indirectly behind the CV outbreak in China? Does Trump have friends and associates who are doing the CV spread for him - unofficially, of course? --- If this article is right, we will need to start producing a lot of products for ourselves, if we want to continue with our present lifestyle. Nobody really knows what the results will be. But it seems that Jobs will certainly be coming back to America.
2020-02-11 09:52
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Entered by: PureTrust
Everything the whole Federal Government does is an abuse of power. The only things it has the right and duty to do are border protection and money creation. It doesn't even have the right to manipulate citizens with regard to borders and money. Mitt Romney's abuse of power lies in the fact that he plays a game with the Trump thing and politics, rather than doing what the rest of Government should do >>> limit their own meddling in the lives of American citizens.
2020-02-11 09:43
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Entered by: PureTrust
This is funny. Thailand was the place where the first Seasteaders were denied Seasteading - Now, Thailand is forcing a whole ship to become Seasteaders by denying them port entry and docking.
2020-02-06 06:57
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Entered by: Ed Martin
Don't you know? They have student loans to pay.