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IPFS News Link • Sexuality: Sex and the Law

British Dogging It: UK OK with Public Gay Sex

• pat
A British mother and daughter walking the dog in a park come across two men engaged in gay sex. What the police tell the mother should be surprising, but not in today's UK, where "dogging" is in--gay or straight.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Mikester
Entered on:

btw, I'm not condoning public sex. In case anybody is confused.

Comment by Mikester
Entered on:

Maybe if you stop using the power of state to send people messages that they're less than human (like Prop 8)... And social ostracism to reduce the quality of their emotional lives (why should I thank you for "tolerating" me?). Then maybe gay people wouldn't have such low self-esteem that they're reduced to seeking anonymous encounters in public... Maybe they might actually believe they deserve a stable, long-term pair bonding, and behave accordingly.... Ever think of that??