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IPFS News Link • Immigration

Running Scared: Ariz. immigration debate pressures McCain

Republican Sen. John McCain, who once championed a path to citizenship for the nation's roughly 12 million undocumented immigrants, is now pushing for a crackdown on illegals amid the toughest re-election fight of his career. McCain's hardline stance on immigration comes in the face of a credible GOP primary challenger, former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, and the possibility that the party's 2008 presidential nominee could lose his Senate seat because many conservatives don't consider him one of their own. Engaged in a fierce contest with the tea party-backed Hayworth, McCain has moved to the right on numerous issues, including gay rights and climate change, and disavowed his long-standing maverick label.

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Nick Bravo
Entered on:

Territorial behavior is typical among primates, to a great extent it has its roots in fear and ignorance. Everyone squatting on their patch of dirt, red faced and swinging their arms, screaming "MINE! MINE! MINE!". I agree that individuals should have some land and a home to call their own, but the immigration issue is so primal that most regress to caveman behavior in their thinking about it.

Comment by Patriot 2012
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He flip flops fact he will say he supports a crackdown then when elected will change his decision. He is a Traitor. Dont vote for him Arizonians....he will LIE.

Comment by Maddawg Mcclowski
Entered on:

SHHhhhh we the people aren't supposed to see all of his flip-floppin. As of now I couldn't guess what Issues he will take a stand on next. He spent to much time at the Hilton I think. He's gone when the boothes open anyways, If I have anything to say about It...Signed   An AZ voter