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Liz Cheney calls on Obama to shut down WikiLeaks

• David Edwards and Daniel Tencer via the raw story
Following the release of 92,000 war log files, Liz Cheney is calling for WikiLeaks to be shut down and says that the founder has "blood on his hands."

"I would point out that although you've got the news about the WikiLeaks documents that that came out this week and clearly Julian Assange's effort was to change course for the US policy in Afghanistan," Cheney told Fox News' Chris Wallace Sunday.

"He was unsuccessful in that. He does clearly have blood on his hands potentially for the people whose names were in those documents who helped the US and I think that's something he will have to live with now," she continued.

"I would really like to see President Obama to move to ask the government of Iceland to shut that website down. I would like to see him move to shut it down ourselves if Iceland won't do it. I would like to see them move aggressively to prosecute Mr. Assange and certainly ensure that he never again gets a visa to enter the United States," said Cheney.

"What he's done is very clearly aiding and abetting al Qaeda. And as I said, he may very well be responsible for the deaths of American soldiers Afghanistan," she concluded.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
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 >He does clearly have blood on his hands------

Perhaps, but a hell of a lot less than her old man has on his.