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IPFS News Link • Education: Government Schools

The Missing Question in Wisconsin

• Free Patriot Press
The “showdown” between the State Legislature, Governor and public school teachers in Wisconsin has lasted over two weeks, with no end in sight. Governor Scott Walker is threatening to lay-off some government employees if the 14 Democratic State Senators don't return to the capitol in order for the Senate to have a quorum and vote on a State budget. The issues that have created the mass protests by public school teachers relate to collective bargaining for government workers that belong to unions and a proposal that would make these employees pay more for some benefits (specifically, insurance & pension). Tom Knapp points out, “The problematic part of 'government worker union' is 'government,' not 'worker' or 'union.' Any enterprise which is operated by government is going to be decided by politics. Like businesses, unions are market institutions that become corrupt when they resort to political power instead of economic power to achieve their goals.” Knapp adds, “As the convention