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IPFS News Link • Transportation

‘Quick Charge’ Trucks Will Save Your Stranded EV

• Chuck Squatriglia via

AAA is rolling out North America’s first fleet of quick-charge trucks that will rescue dead electric vehicles and get them back on the road.

The move, announced today at the big Plug-In Conference & Exposition in Raleigh, North Carolina, should help alleviate “range anxiety,” the nagging fear of being stranded with a dead battery. AAA is the perfect vehicle — pardon the pun — for this because it is a big provider of roadside assistance. The company, which has more than 52 million members, wants to establish itself in a new niche as more automakers join Nissan in offering mainstream mass-market EVs.

“As an EV advocate-turned EV salesman, I applaud the AAA for taking the lead offering this service to EV drivers,” said Paul Scott, a founder of the advocacy group Plug-In America. “Many people have asked me what would happen if they were to run out of juice on the freeway and now I have a very good answer: They get juiced up by AAA.”

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

Brilliant there are no electric vehicles out there yet they roll this out. Would not a tow truck to  the shop and a charger work just as well until there is a critical mass of these vehicles?
