IPFS News Link • Voting: Vote Fraud
Paul camp cries fraud over Nevada Caucus results
• www.examiner.comFebruary 5, 2012. Las Vegas. For the second time in just five primary states, the Republican Party, with the assistance of the national corporate news media, is raising questions about the legitimacy of this season’s primary election system. First, the Iowa Republican Party and the entire American media knowingly reported the wrong Iowa Caucus results with the wrong person being declared the winner. Last night, it appears the same thing may be happening in Nevada. And again like Iowa, critics are accusing the GOP of suspicious activity.
Perhaps it’s indicative that the beneficiary of these recurring vote counting “mistakes” always seems to be former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. He’s just happens to be the same man that both the Republican Party establishment and the four corporations that own all of America’s news media outlets are actively supporting.
7 Comments in Response to Paul camp cries fraud over Nevada Caucus results
@ JV Lose faith in Ron Paul, give more power to the 60 year Myer Lansky lead (and hidden by Hollywood) "Je-wish" mafia/Mormon/Vatican/Crown Banking Cartels that have syndicated in a very organized way for years to rape us and take over globally using first Nazi regime that allowed Israel's formation with the CIA, dominated by British Royalty. (See Jack Otto and the Khazarian Empire on Youtube,.. I was married to a fraud: A Cohen, descendant of Mickey Cohen, Bugsy Siegel's bodyguard?, Cohens, friends of the Vatican, are prophet's of the so-called "Jews"... which is laughable.)
As Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 amazingly predicts, people who are liars will be FAKING being Jews and try to roob us, lock us up, etc. And that they are evil. Thus the concept of Nazi-"Jew"... King's Men for Great Britain and Roman Empire historical banking alliance. And they CAN'T CALL ME ANTI-SEMITIC, AS I SUPPOSEDLY HAVE MORE JEWISH BLOOD GOING BACK TO JERUSALEM THAN MOST JEWISH ZIONISTS DO AND THEY ARE NOT JEWS (geneology-not religion, nor reformed religion through mass conversion). THEY HIJACKED THE IDENTITY WITH ILL INTENTIONS as early as the 400s. They are Synagogue of Satan for lack of a better word, according to the Bible... I try to keep an open mind.
Any comment J. Marc Victor (alleged alias Joseph Vanderville?) The current status quo and steering us away from hope only helps the status quo (lawyers serving the queen, the American Bar (who wrote the right-destroying Patriot Act- a British registry). Call it anger, all it hate, I don't have, nor does any God loving and/or freedom-loving American have to approve of lies masked by arrogant making fun of anyone who doesn't agree with your agenda and your way of disproving all those who threaten your way of life (unwarranted privileges conned from from Americans in bad faith).
You agenda to denounce anyone who exposes the REAL truth, as difficult as it is to fathom. This spoken by someone scholarshipped to Analyze banking, insurance and elections law in graduate school by scholarship, two professors' recommendations for such AND a paycheck! My divorce from a Cohen was over my accepting the scholarship. Now I know why.
About two months ago I went to the RP offices and handed then, on a silver platter, a gold plated tool with which they could have generated vast amounts of publicity and possuble won the caucus. In any case, they would have done better than third place. Now I do not guarantee that my idea would work in the real world, since I am not as smart as the bankers who got us into this situation, but my idea would have generated a lot of positive publicity. There is this article in the Las Vegaas Sun and here is what I gave to Carl Bunce and other senior people at the Nevada RP HQ Free market solution to foreclosure problem
Did you ever hear from them to discuss this? Now, this might not work, but I have yet to get anyone to say why it would not work. I mean other than "it is socialist", or "no one has ever done that before" Really??? I thought that was what the free market was about. To do things that had not been done before..About two months ago I went to the RP offices and handed then, on a silver platter, a gold plated tool with which they could have generated vast amounts of publicity and possuble won the caucus. In any case, they would have done better than third place. Now I do not guarantee that my idea would work in the real world, since I am not as smart as the bankers who got us into this situation, but my idea would have generated a lot of positive publicity. There is this article in the Las Vegaas Sun and here is what I gave to Carl Bunce and other senior people at the Nevada RP HQ
Did you ever hear from them to discuss this? Now, this might not work, but I have yet to get anyone to say why it would not work. I mean other than "it is socialist", or "no one has ever done that before" Really??? I thought that was what the free market was about. To do things that had not been done before..About two months ago I went to the RP offices and handed then, on a silver platter, a gold plated tool with which they could have generated vast amounts of publicity and possuble won the caucus. In any case, they would have done better than third place. Now I do not guarantee that my idea would work in the real world, since I am not as smart as the bankers who got us into this situation, but my idea would have generated a lot of positive publicity. There is this article in the Las Vegaas Sun and here is what I gave to Carl Bunce and other senior people at the Nevada RP HQ
Did you ever hear from them to discuss this? Now, this might not work, but I have yet to get anyone to say why it would not work. I mean other than "it is socialist", or "no one has ever done that before" Really??? I thought that was what the free market was about. To do things that had not been done before..Whatever the outcome winds up being, there is only defeat in quitting. Why? Because, if we lose, yet realize how close we came to winning, that will make us all the more adamant in our future attempts.
One thing that a corrupt Government is really good at doing is, destroying itself from within... even though the self-destruction is like the hidden part of an iceberg.
Vote Ron Paul 2012.
There was no way that the newly formed United States of America could win against the tremendously powerful Great Britain, either.
Ron Paul can't win. Aren't you tired of losing, a glutton for punishment? Why not implant this reality into your head that aches with complaints? Justifying losses with blaming this and blaming that won't change anything -- it is just a foolish way of wasting time. Why not just withdraw now instead of prolonging the agony of defeat? Anyway the decision to quit the race has already been made .. it is just in the corner ready to be announced.