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IPFS News Link • Law Enforcers or Peace Officers

Man shot by SWAT was armed, thought intruder was on his property, family said

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The man shot by Washington County tactical officers in New Columbia Tuesday night had grabbed a gun because he thought intruders were on his property after his wife had checked on their barking dog in their backyard and saw a stranger in dark clothing.

Alberto Flores-Haro, according to relatives and witnesses, did not know that the men surrounding his home and neighborhood Tuesday night were authorities approaching to raid a residence just a few doors down from his home

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Rod Souza
Entered on:

This is no surprise. The entire county of Washington Oregon is nothing but a rouge empire full of criminals disguised behind black robes, suits and ties with a rouge sheriff's department that is used to enforce the agenda of those disguised behind respectability. I know because I have been run through their corrupt system and have never committed a crime in my life and still paying for it. I guess I should be thankful that I am still alive myself.

I have a good friend that is presently suing these criminals for almost killing him as well after spending 15 days in the hospital due to their treatment. I can give you dozens of stories of crimes that have been committed by this rogue empire for years and it's still business as usual. Trust me, they will clear and justify everything that has happened to this man and his family. This is business as usual. These nazis with guns and badges all have full immunity and sanctioned by the dens of corruption, courts, to do what ever is necessary to fulfill their demented agendas.

This is just one of many empires that is over the top and out of control and they continue to rape, plunder and even murder the people with no accountability because they can. Like I said, this has been the status quo for years in this county and the proof is available for anyone who wants it.



Every black robed devil in this empire is a criminal along with the da's office. Don't believe it? Just follow the yellow brick road and see for yourself.