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These Virtual Models Could Be The Future Of Online Shopping

•, Julie Zeveloff
 Enter virtual modelscomputer-generated ladies and gentlemen who can strike a pose, look good in anything, and don't require makeup or a paycheck.
Looklet, a Sweden-based design company, is already working with major online fashion retailers like H&M and Vente-Privee to present their stock on virtual clotheshorses.
Looklet co-founders Adam Berg and Robert Ahlborg answered questions about why virtual models are good for online retailers, how the models are created, and what digitally crafted models say about body image.
What was the original concept for Looklet? Did you always plan to partner with retailers and fashion companies?

The original idea was that we wanted to create a styling tool online, where users could combine real garments on real models. Although this was primarily targeted at the end consumer, we knew from the start that this product would interest fashion retailers online.