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IPFS News Link • Activism

Naperville anti-smart meter activists fight back

 As voiced by anti-smart meter activists during a recent city council meeting following the arrests, the city of Naperville blatantly violated its own ordinances by not only having the women arrested, but also by trespassing on their private property without consent.

For several years, Jennifer Stahl, Malia "Kim" Bendis, and a cohort of other local residents informed about the dangers of remotely-controlled smart meters have been working to block efforts by the city to forcibly install the devices on all residents' homes throughout the area. Smart meters, which are controlled by wireless access points, emit large amounts of electromagnetic radiation, and have been linked to causing severe headaches, heart palpitations, anxiety, and even cancer, not to mention a plethora of personal privacy violations.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Stupid Amerkin
Entered on:

I think the drones who kidnapped these Mothers along with the mayor and the city council should all be arrested themselves and sit in jail for even just a week. Once they get out, maybe they won't be as cocky and arrogant to ignore their oath of office and violate and harm  others.

And don't forget the drones superiors, their trainers and who ever hired these brain dead nazis.

I think it's called accountability. 
