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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

This is America Today


A gutless, cowardly population that accepts mass murder of women and children and destruction of countries without protest and sits and watches, without intervening, as criminal cops murder unarmed citizens and black thugs inflict brain trauma on women.

The behavior of these two black thugs is part of the reason that the white population in general more or less cheers when cops murder and brutalize blacks. But the question is: why was there no intervention by the bystanders against this young thug? Are people intimidated by the arrogant behavior of predator cops and thugs?

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by doc-S
Entered on:

I grow weary of you people that are always blaming "the People" for NOT reacting correctly to stop the madness. Its NOT "the peoples" fault. Mass drugging of society has been going on for over 60 years now. That's 3-4 generations. Yes, drugs affect your thinking apparatus. Makes ya docile, dumbs ya down. By design of course. The continuous propaganda wears ya down after a while too. Besides, most people HAVE tried to do something about it. They run right into this brick wall that stops them every time. New World Order here we are. Plus, its just plain dangerous. "They" will ruin you in a heartbeat, destroy your entire life's work and not give it a second thought. Matter if fact, they'll make YOU pay for it. So lighten up on "the people". Everywhere I go on this planet I meet genuinely good people who all have the same request of their government. "Leave us the hell alone".

Comment by doc-S
Entered on:

I grow weary of you people that are always blaming "the People" for NOT reacting correctly to stop the madness. Its NOT "the peoples" fault. Mass drugging of society has been going on for over 60 years now. That's 3-4 generations. Yes, drugs affect your thinking apparatus. Makes ya docile, dumbs ya down. By design of course. The continuous propaganda wears ya down after a while too. Besides, most people HAVE tried to do something about it. They run right into this brick wall that stops them every time. New World Order here we are. Plus, its just plain dangerous. "They" will ruin you in a heartbeat, destroy your entire life's work and not give it a second thought. Matter if fact, they'll make YOU pay for it. So lighten up on "the people". Everywhere I go on this planet I meet genuinely good people who all have the same request of their government. "Leave us the hell alone".
