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IPFS News Link • Energy

When Technocrats Intentionally Sabotage A Nation's Energy Supply

• Technocracy.News

The head of the Climate Change Committee (CCC) is a radical Net Zero activist and a Technocrat. When the CCC was challenged about faulty data that sent the UK into a condition of permanent energy shortage with Net Zero policy. The CEO of the UK's climate watchdog promptly told staff to "kill" the story with technical language.  So much for "openness" and "accountability".

The moral hazard for all Technocrats is to drive the world into energy scarcity so that the remaining energy can be rationed and controlled, thereby controlling all economic activity. This is done through policies such as Net Zero and decarbonization, even though there is enough carbonized energy to last hundreds of years. ? TN Editor

The head of the Government's climate watchdog told officials to "kill" a negative news story with "technical language", The Telegraph can disclose.

Chris Stark, chief executive of the Climate Change Committee (CCC), drafted the response when asked for clarity over claims of a "mistake" made by the body.

"How's this – kill it with some technical language," he told his team.

The exchange was revealed in a Freedom of Information request submitted by The Telegraph after apparent obfuscation by the climate watchdog over a story published by The Telegraph in January.

It raises questions about the transparency of the committee, which has been pushing the Government to impose more radical net zero targets.

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