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Criminal Justice System

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The Agitator

Disgraced bite mark witness Michael West angrily responded yesterday to charges I first reported at Reason that he tampered with evidence by pushing a dental mold of a suspect’s teeth into the corpse of 23-month-old Haley Oliveaux.

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Washington Post

A company's CEO vowed an appeal to the West Virginia Supreme Court -- but first, he spent an unprecedented $3 million to persuade voters to get rid of a judge he didn't like and elect one he did. That judge provided the deciding vote

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The complaint details sometimes stormy preparation sessions for Pendergest-Holt in January and February during which the bank's shaky asset base became apparent to a wider circle of officials and to the lawyer -- "Attorney A" -- who lat

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Reason / Radley Balko

Experts say this exclusive video shows a dental examiner creating the bite marks that put a man on death row.

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Houston Chronicle

Two former U.S. Border Patrol agents convicted of shooting a fleeing drug smuggler were released from prison Tuesday and allowed to return to their homes in El Paso. Jose Compean, 32, and Ignacio Ramos, 40, served roughly two years of their respec

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NY Times

Michael T. Conahan, appeared in federal court in Scranton, Pa., to plead guilty to fraud for taking more than $2.6 million in kickbacks to send teenagers to two privately run youth detention centers.

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Washington Post

1967 murder death bed confession: She killed those women, she told police, because they teased her about her sexuality. She also told them that afterward she handed the gun to the lead detective and he buried it.

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A federal judge held Justice Dept. attorneys in contempt for failing to deliver documents to former Sen. Ted Stevens' legal team, a rare punishment for prosecutors in a case where corruption allegations have spread to those who investigated him.

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Ousted Gov. Rod Blagojevich is lashing out at the Illinois lawmakers who removed him from office, calling them drunkards and adulterers who don't know how to do their jobs. Blagojevich's former colleagues and close associates are laughing of

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For years, the juvenile court system in Wilkes-Barre operated like a conveyor belt: Youngsters were brought before judges without a lawyer, given hearings that lasted only a minute or two, and then sent off to juvenile prison for months for minor off

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NY Times

An F.B.I. agent who worked on the investigation of Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, who was convicted on ethics charges, has said in a stunning formal complaint that a fellow agent and prosecutors contrived to improperly conceal evidence from the court

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Federal judges ordered California to release tens of thousands of inmates, up to a third of all prisoners, in the next 3 years to stop dangerous overcrowding. As many as 57,000 could be let go if the current population were cut by the maximum percent

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Washington Post

Early yesterday, the Pakistani scientist at the center of one of history's worst nuclear scandals walked out of his Islamabad villa to declare his vindicaiton after 5 years of house arrest. "The judgment, by the grace of God, is good,"
