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Criminal Justice System

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NY Times

Valerie Gainous paid her debt to society, but almost went to jail because of a court debt. She was convicted of writing bad checks; she paid restitution, performed community service and thought she was finished with the criminal justice system.

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Judicial Watch

Elected in November to El Paso’s District Court, Judge Manuel Barraza solicited cash bribes and sexual favors from criminal defendants appearing before him. A grand jury indicted Judge Barraza on 4 counts including fraud, deprivation of honest servic

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The Justice Dept. said it would drop corruption charges against former Sen. Ted Stevens because prosecutors withheld evidence from the senator's defense team during his trial. The reversal is an embarrassment for the department, which won a convi

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Raw Story

In Austin, something rather extraordinary just happened. A man who got into a shootout with a police officer -- who had apparently opened fire without announcing he was law enforcement -- is going to get off scott free.

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The Agitator

New DNA testing from rape kits implicates 3 separate men in the 1991 “Yogurt Shop Killings,” in which 4 girls working at an I Can’t Believe It’s Not Yogurt were raped and murdered. Unfortunately, none of the 3 tests match the 2 men convicted of the c

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NY Times

Things were different in the Luzerne County juvenile courtroom, and everyone knew it. Proceedings on average took less than two minutes. Detention center workers were told in advance how many juveniles to expect at the end of each day — even before h

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The Agitator

The top drug prosecutor, two police officers, and a retired circuit court judge in Wayne County, Michigan will be arraigned today on charges that they suborned (or in the judge’s case, knowingly allowed) perjury in a case against two alleged cocaine

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Ali al-Marri, a 43-year-old with dual citizenship in Qatar and Saudi Arabia, was originally arrested in Peoria in December 2001 in an investigation of the Sept. 11 hijacked plane attacks, and was branded an "enemy combatant" and kept in iso

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A U.S. judge denied bond on Wednesday for an accused al Qaeda sleeper agent after prosecutors said he used his time in America to research information on toxins and was a colleague of suspected Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

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Atlanta Journal & Constitution

Georgia’s sex offender registry has a peculiar twist: There are a growing number of people on the list who did not commit a sex offense. The state's sex offender law tracks most offenders until they die, dictating where they can live and work.

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Washington Post

Suspected al-Qaeda sleeper agent Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri spent years isolated in a U.S. Navy brig after authorities proclaimed him an enemy combatant in the Bush administration's long-running war against terrorism.

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For months the Montague County Jail was "Animal House". Inside the inmates had the run of the place, having sex with their jailer girlfriends, bringing in recliners, taking drugs and chatting on cell phones supplied by friends or guards

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Washington Post

[secret charges] The Justice Dept. has filed "unclassified" records in federal court outlining the government's cases against more than 100 detainees at the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, but the records are not being made public

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In a question-and-answer session, she said the nine justices only take pictures together when a new member is added. She said: "We haven't had any of those for some time, but surely we will soon."

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German prosecutors said they have charged retired Ohio auto worker John Demjanjuk with more than 29,000 counts of accessory to murder for his time as a guard at the Nazis' Sobibor death camp, and will seek his extradition from the U.S.