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Criminal Justice System

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Blog of Bile video

Jailed for 6 days. Due to judge Edward Burke’s increased restrictions on filming the proceedings of activists in Keene District Court after Burke’s outburst and subsequent publicizing during Ian Bernard’s trial over a couch left on his yard Dave Ridley decided to record the arraignment of Andrew Carroll for marijuana possession regardless of court permission.


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Well it looks like the court was being to friendly to Bill Eason so the case was removed from the state level and sent to the FEDERAL level.  Are we touching a nerve?  The Attorney at the case for IndyMac was sooo confident that this was something that could be taken care of in 20 minutes?  Being this was such a "Simple" case according to the defendants attorney why was this remanded to the federal level.   Looks like the defendant - Indy Mac wouldn't be able to produce the note in the 7 days as stipulated by the court.  Otherwise they would just produce the note and the matter would be over!

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LA Times

A federal judge tentatively threw out the convictions of a Missouri mother for her role in a MySpace hoax directed at a 13-year-old neighbor girl who ended up committing suicide. If she is to be found guilty of illegally accessing computers, anyone who has ever violated the social networking site's terms of service would be guilty of a misdemeanor. That would be unconstitutional, he said.

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California filed a $222 million lawsuit against the owner of 22 Midas Muffler shops after uncover agents discovered a "massive" scheme in which consumers were charged for unneeded repairs, California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced.

"These Midas shops were running a massive bait-and-switch scam, in which customers were lured in with the promise of cheap brake specials and then charged hundreds more for unnecessary repairs," Brown said in a statement. "This investigation revealed a shady and deceptive operation that violated the trust of its customers."
During the four-year investigation, agents found shops owned by Maurice Irving Glad regularly advertised sub-$100 brake specials to lure customers into paying for hundreds of dollars of work that was not needed or, sometimes, not even done.

The lawsuit, filed was filed by Brown along with Alameda County District Attorney Tom Orloff and Fresno County Dis

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Boston Herald

U.S. District Court Judge Denny Chin sentenced Bernard Madoff to the maximum 150 years in prison today for running the biggest Ponzi scheme in history, calling the crime: “extraordinarily evil.”

“Symbolism is important,” Chin told Madoff at a New York sentencing hearing.

Earlier, Madoff spoke for the first time about the scam, telling Chin: “I will live with the pain and torment (of hurting people) for the rest of my life.”

“I cannot offer an excuse for my behavior,” Madoff said. “How to do excuse deceiving investors? How do you excuse lying to your sons? How do you excuse lying to your two brothers? How do you excuse lying to a wife who stood by me for 50 years.

“There is no excuse for that,” Madoff told the court. “I made a terrible mistake. . . . I’ve left a legacy of shame for my children and grandchildren. I will live with the pain and torment the rest of my life.”

Then, the scammer turned to victims in the courtroom and

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Washington Post

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that white firefighters in New Haven, Conn., were unfairly denied promotions because of their race, reversing a decision that high court nominee Sonia Sotomayor endorsed as an appeals court judge.

New Haven was wrong to scrap a promotion exam because no African-Americans and only two Hispanic firefighters were likely to be made lieutenants or captains based on the results, the court said Monday in a 5-4 decision. The city said that it had acted to avoid a lawsuit from minorities.

The ruling could alter employment practices nationwide and make it harder to prove discrimination when there is no evidence it was intentional.

"Fear of litigation alone cannot justify an employer's reliance on race to the detriment of individuals who passed the examinations and qualified for promotions," Justice Anthony Kennedy said in his opinion for the court. He was joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Ali

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Skip Oliva

Let's consider two cases. In the first case, a driver with an elevated blood-alcohol level accidentally strikes and kills a pedestrian who was jaywalking. The driver enters a guilty plea for manslaughter and receives a sentence of 30 days in jail, two years house arrest, 1,000 hours of community service, eight years probation, and permanent revocation of his driver's license. The driver also reaches a financial settlement with the victim's family.

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Wendy McElroy

Collectively, the court systems in North America are institutionalized travesties that mete out politics rather than justice; many cases are more about career-enhancement for police, prosecutors and judges than they are about weighing evidence. Indeed, IMO, the court system constitutes the largest barrier to true justice in our society.

Mobius Nemesis

Today several us showed up for the case of Eason v. Indymac bank. I was, for the first time in my life, impressed by a judge. Judge Buttrick was actually concerned with following the law and doing the right thing. In court? I had never seen that done before and if you know who I am you understand that I have seen a lot of trials and been involved in more than my share. I was almost speechless afterwards. The judge was biased toward doing the right thing and reaching a fqair conclusion. He did not even appear to be concerned that the banks might not like him. What the hell did I just write?  

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The Jersey Journal

In the news again, Hate blogger "Hal" Turner was arrested at his home today in North Bergen on federal charges filed in Chicago alleging he threatened to assault and murder 3 federal judges there because of their ruling upholding a handgun ban, officials said.

"We take threats to federal judges very seriously. Period," said Patrick J. Fitzgerald, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois of the comments posted by Turner on his blog earlier this month regarding Chief Judge Frank Easterbrook and Judges Richard Posner and William Bauer, of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

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The Agitator

Police and prosecutors were apparently convicting people of violent crimes based almost exclusively on the “testimony” of a police dog whose handler claimed has extraordinary powers.   Judges and juries apparently bought this crap for years. It finally came to an end when Judge Gilbert Goshorn ordered the dog to perform a basic tracking test after Preston claimed the dog had alerted to a suspect’s scent at a crime scene six months after the murder. The dog failed.

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Pro Liberate

What is it that turns a man into a specimen like Acting United States Attorney Edward R. Ryan, whose name is inscribed on the tissue of lies and totalitarian assertions called a "Bill of Indictment" against four key figures in NORFED, aka the Liberty Dollar organization?

To at least some extent, it must be the money (or at least the officially sanctioned similacrum of the same) that provides for Ryan's material comforts and subsidizes whatever squalid vices he enjoys. Since Ryan is a servant of the kleptocracy we can assume that vice, of some kind, plays a significant role in his discretionary time: Someone who steals for a living isn't likely to be a moral paragon when he's off the clock.
