While The Lookout, too, has noticed a rash of over-hyped headlines about the value of college (ahem, New York magazine), we think these critics are too quick to brush off scholars' concerns about the higher education industry. The often overheated t
The US Ministry of Truth - Bill Clinton wants one, which means even he knows the jig is up. Article by Butler Shaffer. / Battle Stations! - Time for more imperial spending and death expeditions. Article by Eric Margolis.
Why is the Education Department purchasing 27 Remington Brand Model 870 police 12-gauge shotguns? "The Office of Inspector General is the law enforcement arm of the U.S. Department of Education..."
Acting on orders from the U.S. Department of Education, a S.W.A.T. team broke into a California home Tuesday at 6 a.m. and roughed up a man — reportedly because of his estranged wife’s defaulted student loans. She wasn’t there.
Acting on orders from the U.S. Department of Education, a S.W.A.T. team broke into a California home Tuesday at 6 a.m. and roughed up a man — reportedly because of his estranged wife’s defaulted student loans.
A Dept of Education SWAT team executed a no-knock search warrant on a Stockton home at 6:00 am Tuesday for defaulted student loans. [direct link to the source of the blog post Jack linked earlier. Just, wow.]
Researchers found that the more credit card and college loan debt held by young adults aged 18 to 27, the higher their self-esteem and the more they felt like they were in control of their lives The effect was strongest among those in the lowest...
A 12-year-old Dallas student was bound to a chair with duct tape and beaten by classmates as a substitute teacher stood and ignored the attack.... The attackers wrapped tape around her son's mouth to keep him from shouting.
A school district wants to give its bus drivers the authority to search students for weapons or drugs. The proposal would allow the drivers to search a student and their belongings if there is an immediate threat of harm or danger to those on the bus
The long-awaited overhaul of the 9-year-old No Child Left Behind law has begun in the House with the first in a series of targeted bills, but a bipartisan, comprehensive reform of the nation's most important education law still appears far from the f
Arizona State University, the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University exist due to programs provided by the federal government and will continue to be "under the jurisdiction thereof," said the director of public affairs for the Arizona
One of the sad and dangerous signs of our times is how many people are enthralled by words, without bothering to look at the realities behind those words.
One of the sad and dangerous signs of our times is how many people are enthralled by words, without bothering to look at the realities behind those words.
During the 1970s, college students were able to afford their own college tuition without getting into any debt, simply by working a part-time job year round or by working a full-time job during the summer. Not only that, but most college students...
As is done in the other residence halls at the University of Arizona, and at most other universities across the country, captive students will be indoctrinated by dormitory cadres in leftist thinking about oppression, social justice and diversity.
I have been told that if all his guests’ minds were collected at one time, they wouldn’t equal the IQ of a patch of dandelions. He’s the charlatan of showmanship. He features losers, abusers, weepers and creepy people.
He features losers, abusers, weepers and creepy people. I have been told that if all his guests’ minds were collected at one time, they wouldn’t equal the IQ of a patch of dandelions.
A join parliamentary committee report concluded that Islamic fundamentalism is being allowed to flourish at U.K. universities, endangering national security.
But Gaskins was recently jailed for 10 days — one of the dozen parents of Baltimore City students to receive a sentence this year — after failing to send her child to school 103 of 130 days.
Don't Go to College, Miss V. - Even if it's "free," says Gary North, college will hurt your career. / I Never Thought I'd Like a Politician's Book - But Ron Paul's Liberty Defined is catnip for anarcho-capitalists, says Becky Akers. / 'I'd Rather Fig
Imagine how different public education in America would be if parents had real control of the $500 billion (more than $10,000 per child) that is spent on their children’s behalf.
Like the housing bubble, the education bubble is about security and insurance against the future. Both whisper a seductive promise into the ears of worried Americans: Do this and you will be safe.
The American Military Is a Predatory Joke - Fred Reed explains how they think, and what it means. / Alternatives to $100K in Student Debt - Charles Hugh Smith on what to do given the realities of the job market. / Smearing Nullification
Of all the exploitative systems in the U.S., none is more rapacious than the Education Cartel. Like the proverbial frog that is unaware that it's being boiled because the water temperature rises so gradually, college students and their parents are...
To encourage healthful eating, Chicago school doesn't allow kids to bring lunches or certain snacks from home — and some parents, and many students, aren't fans of the policy
We spurn real teachers—those with the capacity to inspire children to think, those who help the young discover their gifts and potential—and replace them with instructors who teach to narrow, standardized tests. These instructors obey. They teach...
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