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Foreign Policy

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At least 1,500 Egyptian workers from the Suez Canal Authority protested for better pay Thursday in three cities straddling the strategic waterway, one of the world's major transit routes for shipping and oil transport.

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Unrest surging through the Arab world has so far taken no toll on the American military. But that could change if revolt washes over the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom of Bahrain — longtime home to the U.S. Navy's mighty 5th Fleet and arguably the Middle

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Faced with an increasingly alarming threat from al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, the U.S. military will begin a new training program with Yemen's counterterrorism unit so it can move against militants believed to be plotting attacks on America from

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The Rockefeller World Empire - Strangling the Egyptians - How the War Machine Destroys the Economy - Are We Poised for Weimar? - Buying Silver While It's Still Relatively Cheap - Can Jesse Ventura Put a Hammerlock on the TSA?

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After a good start, the Obama administration’s response to the democratic revolution in Egypt has begun to exude the odor of betrayal. Now distancing itself from the essential demand of the protesters that the dictator must go...

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On January 29, Omar Suleiman, Egypt’s top spy chief, was anointed vice president by tottering dictator, Hosni Mubarak. By appointing Suleiman, part of a shake-up of the cabinet in an attempt to appease the masses of protesters and retain his own gri

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Regime Confusion, In Egypt and the US - Meredith Whitney Is Right About Munis - Do Tea Party People Oppose the Police State? - 5 Simple Ways To Prepare For the coming food crisis - A 30-Year Crime, Ron Paul on US evil in Egypt.

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Imagine yourself as Hosni Mubarak, master of Egypt for nearly 30 years. You’re old, unwell, detested and addicted to power. You could have orchestrated a graceful exit by promising to preside over free and fair presidential elections later this yea

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Several weeks ago, following terrorist attacks on worshipers at Coptic Christian services, hundreds — perhaps thousands — of Egyptian Muslims volunteered their services as “human shields” as their Christian neighbors celebrated the birth of Christ.

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LA Times

The Internet seems to be available again in Egypt after the country cut access to the Web and cellphone networks for a week amid mass unrest. “Good news: Internet access being restored in Egypt,” Google wrote on its official Twitter profile earlie

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Becky Chandler

Just as the Soviet Union's Empire in Eastern Europe ended , so is America's rule in the Middle East—the only remaining issue is how it ends.....

News Link • Global Reported By Becky Chandler
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The Egyptian government cut off the country's Internet access late Thursday night ahead of what was expected to be the fourth and most intense day of protests against the regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, making it virtually impossible for

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NY Times

President Obama warned President Hu Jintao that if China did not step up its pressure on North Korea, the United States would have to redeploy its forces in Asia to protect itself from a potential North Korean strike on American soil, a senior admini