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Foreign Policy

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South Korea’s cabinet is holding an emergency meeting this morning after it detected an “artificial earthquake” in North Korea, a sign that the nation may have conducted a test explosion of an atomic weapon.

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Washington Post

President Obama has established what he called a “clear timetable” for Iran to halt its nuclear program — progress must be made by the end of the year, he declared on Monday — both American and Israeli officials are beginning to talk about how to acc

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The words that best described the nation’s original foreign policy and the policy that should be pursued now were spoken by Thomas Jefferson during his first Inaugural Address in 1801: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations,

Letters to the Editor • Global
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Christine Smith's Blog

Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State, is repeatedly expressing “regret” on behalf of the U.S. government when civilians die because of our military actions.

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In a measured break with a half-century of U.S. policy toward communist Cuba, the Obama administration lifted restrictions on Cuban-Americans who want to travel and send money to their island homeland. [but not other Americans]

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Chrisian Science Monitor

Two American icons, General Electric and Berkshire Hathaway, lost their triple-A credit ratings. Then China, America's largest creditor, called for a new global currency to replace the dollar just weeks after it demanded Washington guarantee the

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The Spectator, UK

The Transnational Progressivism policies of the Obama Administration. A good explanation of why America seems to be collapsing so quickly.

News Link • Global Reported By Veritas Vincit
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Hillary Clinton’s departure for the State Department was meant to end the era of Clinton drama, and to leave the turmoil of her campaign behind. But one former Clinton aide, now a senior adviser to Secretary Clinton, has brought the drama with him.

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Some of the biggest names in U.S. foreign policy of the past decades met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Friday, in an effort to improve frosty relations that experts say could threaten many U.S. foreign policy goals.

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[unless you pull missiles out of Poland] A Russian Air Force chief said the country could base some strategic bombers in Cuba or on an island offered by Venezuela, but a Kremlin official said the military had been speaking only hypothetically.

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Obama's new UN ambassador rolls out old lies about Iran's nuke program. "Change"

News Link • Global Reported By Lloyd Gaarder
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Kyrgyzstan ordered US forces to depart within 6 months from an air base key to military operations in Afghanistan, complicating plans to send more troops to battle rising Taliban violence. The US would consider paying more rent to keep the base open
