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Health and Physical Fitness

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Winter is most definitely here. It must be. The phones are ringing at Bag Balm headquarters. Everyone wants a new tub of the gooey, yellow-green ointment. And all have a story about its problem-salving — they use it on squeaky bed springs, psoriasis,

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The nation's product safety agency issued an unprecedented warning Wednesday to parents: Don't give your children cheap metal jewelry. And if they already have some, toss it because it could contain hazardous levels of heavy metals such as lead and

News Link • Global Reported By Steve Freedom
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By 2050 Americans may live as much as 8 years longer than government forecasts and that spending by Medicare and Social Security could rise by $3.2 trillion to $8.3 trillion above current projections, and sharply higher costs than anticipated for Med

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Radiation from CT scans done in 2007 will cause 29,000 cancers and kill nearly 15,000 Americans. Evidence that Americans are overexposed to radiation from diagnostic tests, especially from a specialized kind of X-ray called a computed tomography, or

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Here is a way to naturally combat the cold a flu season. We've used both for the last couple of years. Larix occidentalis ( AKA Western Larch, Arabinogalactan) boosts the immune system and has anti viral properties to kill the cold and flu if you

News Link • Global Reported By Astrid Campos
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A study found that the bones of women who drink beer regularly are stronger, making them less likely to suffer from osteoporosis. It is thought that the high level of silicon in beer slows down the thinning that leads to fractures and boosts the formation of new bone, the journal Nutrition reports.Beer is also rich in phytoestrogens, plant versions of oestrogen, which keep bones healthy.Bones are made up of a mesh of fibres, minerals, blood vessels and marrow, and healthy ones are denser with smaller spaces between the different parts.

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red Orbit

University of Michigan researchers have identified a gene that acts as a master switch to control obesity in mice. When the switch is turned off, even high-fat-diet mice remain thin. Deleting the gene, called IKKE, also appears to protect mice against conditions that, in humans, lead to Type 2 diabetes, which is associated with obesity and is on the rise among Americans, including children and adolescents. If follow-up studies show that IKKE is tied to obesity in humans, the gene and the protein it makes will be prime targets for the development of drugs to treat obesity, diabetes and complications associated with those disorders, said Alan Saltiel, the Mary Sue Coleman Director of the U-M Life Sciences Institute. "We've studied other genes associated with obesity – we call them 'obesogenes' – but this is the first one we've found that, when deleted, stops the animal from gaining weight," said Saltiel, senior author of a paper to be published in the S

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About 50 yogis gathered in New York recently to discuss hiring a lobbyist and raise funds to fight a state proposal to require certification of yoga teacher training programs -- a move they say would unfairly cost them money.

"It has brought us under one roof," said Fara Marz, who held the gathering at his Om Factory yoga studio in New York. "And this shows that yogis can be vicious, political, together."

Yoga enthusiasts who say autonomy is fundamental to what they do

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I doubt this will be available under obama care or now kennedy care (kennedy care which will inevitably become known as Kopechne Care) those forcibly enrolled in that plan will have the Diet Police and it will most likely be pretty expensive because the truth so many do not want to face is it takes years and lots of $$$ to develop these drugs so I assume it will be for the Elites. Something else to consider if not for the profit to continue research will new drugs that can truly aid mankind continue to be developed? In any case I thought this was quite interesting in that it has many other benefits in addition to the obvious. Discovery Of 'Fatostatin' A Turnoff For Fat Genes A small molecule earlier found to have both anti-fat and anti-cancer abilities works as a literal turnoff for fat-making genes, according to a new report in the August 28th issue of the journal Chemistry and Biology, a Cell Press journal.

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